Chapter 5! Page 13!

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Tony Garcia pretends to notice the group of unknown actors. One of the unknown actors suddenly shoots the unknown actor who is portraying the man that is being killed by the gang of criminals in the head. One of the unknown actors pretends to notice Tony Garcia.

 One of the unknown actors pretends to notice Tony Garcia

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Tony Garcia quickly starts running away. The group of unknown actors start chasing him. Collin Reisenauer yells cut that was perfect!!!!!! Collin Reisenauer says in the scene that we are going to go film right now Terry McGinnis hides from the gang of criminals in the personal cemetery that is at Wayne manor and accidentally trips causing himself to fall through a hole and into the batcave. Tony Garcia follows Collin Reisenauer to the next filming location which is the cemetery that was used as Bruce Wayne's personal cemetery at Wayne manor in Batman vs Superman dawn of justice. Tony Garcia gets into a running stance. The wire guy hooks Tony Garcia to a wire rig. Collin Reisenauer yells action!!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Tony Garcia starts running but makes it look like he was already running. Tony Garcia stops running. Tony Garcia pulls the futuristic looking cellphone out of his pants pocket. Tony Garcia pretends to take a selfie with a statue.

Tony Garcia puts the futuristic looking cellphone back in his pants pocket

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Tony Garcia puts the futuristic looking cellphone back in his pants pocket. Tony Garcia pretends to hear the group of unknown actors and quickly starts running again. Tony Garcia continues to run. Tony Garcia accidentally trips and falls through a hole that is in the ground. The wire guy lowers Tony Garcia really fast down to the ground. Tony Garcia does falling movements to make it look like he's falling. The wire guy makes Tony Garcia hit the ground really hard. Tony Garcia gets back up. Collin Reisenauer yells cut that was perfect!!!!! The wire guy takes the wire rig off of Tony Garcia. Tony Garcia gets his regular clothes back on.

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