Chapter 2! Page 4!

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Gary Shore says now we are going to film the next scene which has Mr. Renfield waking up in his bedroom. Collin Reisenauer and Tony Garcia both follow Gary Shore to the next filming location which is a sound stage that was made to look exactly like the inside of one of the bedrooms at the castle. Tony Garcia lays down on the bed and closes his eyes. Gary Shore yells action!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Luke Evans stands right next to the bed. Tony Garcia pretends to come to and opens his eyes. Luke Evans says are you alright Mr. Renfield?!! Tony Garcia says what happened in a very realistic fake English accent. Luke Evans says some crazy women broke in and tried to attack you but I fought them off and called the police. Luke Evans says we will leave for London tomorrow evening. Tony Garcia says okay in a very realistic fake English accent. Tony Garcia pretends to notice a painting of Luke Evans as Vlad the impaler on the wall.

 Tony Garcia pretends to notice that Luke Evans looks a lot like the man in the painting

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Tony Garcia pretends to notice that Luke Evans looks a lot like the man in the painting. Gary Shore yells cut that was amazing!!!!! Gary Shore says now we are going to go film the next scene which has Dr. Van Helsing reading a book about vampires at his home in London. Collin Reisenauer follows Gary Shore to the next filming location which is the huge house that they are using as Dr. Van Helsing's house. Collin Reisenauer follows Gary Shore into the huge house. Collin Reisenauer walks into the room that they are using as Dr. Van Helsing's private library. Collin Reisenauer sits in a chair. The prop guy hands Collin Reisenauer a book about vampires and a tape recorder. Gary Shore yells action!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Collin Reisenauer pretends to be quietly reading the book. Collin Reisenauer starts recording with the tape recorder and says there are 7 basic facts established in a very realistic fake English accent.

 Collin Reisenauer starts recording with the tape recorder and says there are 7 basic facts established in a very realistic fake English accent

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Collin Reisenauer says 1. Light, the vampire allergic to light never enters in the daytime, sunlight is fatal in a very realistic fake English accent. Collin Reisenauer says 2. Garlic, vampires repelled by odor of garlic in a very realistic fake English accent. Gary Shore yells cut that was perfect!!!!! The makeup guy washes the hair dye out of Collin Reisenauer's hair. Collin Reisenauer gets his regular clothes back on and drives to Comic-Con where he and the casts of Scooby Doo meets Batman are going to be talking about what it was like making the Scooby Doo meets Batman movie.

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