Chapter 7! Page 19!

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Tony Garcia says but just out of curiosity what is this place? Collin Reisenauer yells cut that was perfect!!!!! Collin Reisenauer says now we are going to film the next scene which has Terry McGinnis noticing the batsuit. Tony Garcia and Ben Affleck both follow Collin Reisenauer to the next filming location which is the batcave. Collin Reisenauer yells action!!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Tony Garcia pretends to notice the batsuit and says what's that? Tony Garcia says were you a superhero or something?!! Ben Affleck angrily says well if you must know I was the Batman. Tony Garcia says who?!! Ben Affleck bitterly says you teenagers don't know anything!!! Ben Affleck says don't touch anything. Tony Garcia touches the batmobile with his right hand. Ben Affleck angrily yells I said don't touch anything!!!! Tony Garcia says sorry? Collin Reisenauer yells cut that was perfect!!!!! Tony Garcia gets his regular clothes back on. Collin Reisenauer and Tony Garcia drive to the Ellen set. Collin Reisenauer and Tony Garcia both wait for their cue. Ellen DeGeneres dances towards the stage.

Ellen DeGeneres walks onto the stage and sits down. Ellen DeGeneres says our guests tonight have been on this show a couple times, one of them recently retired from playing the red hood in the DC extended universe. Ellen DeGeneres smiles and says ladies and gentlemen Collin Reisenauer and Tony Garcia!!!! The audience all start clapping. Collin Reisenauer and Tony walk onto the stage and sit down next to Ellen DeGeneres. Ellen DeGeneres says Collin I heard that you and Tony are both starring in a new Dracula movie. Collin Reisenauer says yes we are and I'm playing professor Van Helsing in the movie. Tony Garcia says and I'm playing Mr. Renfield in it. Collin Reisenauer says we said yes to doing the movie because we've never done a horror film before?!!! Ellen DeGeneres says it will definitely be interesting seeing Tony eating rats and spiders?!! Tony Garcia smiles and says yep!!!

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