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Grant Gustin's eyes go wide. The camera guys stop filming. Collin Reisenauer and He Gustin both follow Tony Garcia to the next filming location which is the apartment that they are using as Clark Kent's apartment on earth 38. The main costume guy takes the tuxedo off of Collin Reisenauer and puts the green lantern suit on him. Grant Gustin's Barry Allen stand in walks up to Tony Garcia wearing a mask that was made to look exactly like Grant Gustin's face. The main costume guy puts a new flash suit on Grant Gustin's Barry Allen stand in. Tyler Hoechlin walks up to Collin Reisenauer as Clark Kent. Tony Garcia yells action!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Grant Gustin pretends to notice that he is now standing in Clark Kent's apartment. Grant Gustin pretends to notice Collin Reisenauer and the Barry Allen stand in. Grant Gustin's Barry Allen stand in looks at Tyler Hoechlin and says I'm a friend of your cousin Kara, I'm from earth 1, I need your help in Grant Gustin's voice. Collin Reisenauer says please help us!! The camera guys stop filming. Collin Reisenauer and Grant Gustin both follow Tony Garcia back to the church. The main costume guy takes the green lantern suit off of Collin Reisenauer and puts the tuxedo back on him. Grant Gustin sits where he was sitting. Candice Patton and Carlos Valdes both sit where they were sitting. Collin Reisenauer and Victoria Justice both stand where they were standing. Tony Garcia grabs the video camera, yells action, and starts filming. Candice Patton looks at Grant Gustin and says Barry?!! Grant Gustin looks at her and says huh?!! Candice Patton says honey are you okay? Tony Garcia stops filming.

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