Page 73! THE END!

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Collin Reisenauer says now weare going to film the ending of the movie which has Derek Powers becoming Blight. Ted Danson gets into his position as Derek Powers. Collin Reisenauer yells action!!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Ben Affleck pretends to notice Ted Danson. Ben Affleck angrily yells Derek this ends now!!! Ted Danson says Bruce what a pleasant surprise?!! Ben Affleck attacks Ted Danson. Ben Affleck angrily says this isfor sending men to harass me. Ben Affleck hits Ted Danson really hard in the face with the walking cane. Ted Danson hits Ben Affleck really hard in the face with his right hand. Tony Garcia walks up to Ted Danson. Ted Danson says you must be the new Batman I've been hearing about?!! Tony Garcia says you don't know me but you murdered my father!!! Tony Garcia's angrily pushes Ted Danson into a bunch of gas weapons causing them to go off. Collin Reisenauer yells cut that was perfect!!!!! Collin Reisenauer says now we are going to go film the ending credits scene which has Amanda Waller telling Bruce Wayne the truth about Terry McGinnis. Ben Affleck follows Collin Reisenauer to the last filming location which is the batcave. Viola Davis walks up to Collin Reisenauer as Amanda Waller wearing the age makeup. Ben Affleck sits down at the batcomputer. Collin Reisenauer yells action!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Viola Davis says Bruce. Ben Affleck turns and faces Viola Davis. Ben Affleck bitterly says what are you here Amanda?!! Viola Davis says there's something I need to tell you... Terry McGinnis isn't human, he's a clone of you that I had made several years ago. Viola Davis says one night you were bleeding a lot, I had my men take samples of your blood that were found on the ground. Viola Davis says I had scientists use the samples of your blood to create a vaccine, I had a newly wedded couple come in, I had them injected with the vaccine, they thought they were getting a flew shot. Viola Davis says the wife ended up becoming pregnant with Terry McGinnis, one night I was gonna have a police officer disguise herself as a masked criminal and murder the newly wedded couple so Terry McGinnis would grow up to become the new Batman but she couldn't do it. Viola Davis says I need you to keep this a secret. Collin Reisenauer yells cut that was perfect!!!!!! THE-END!

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