Chapter 3! Page 7!

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Collin Reisenauer says it's true that I'm no longer playing Jason Todd in the DC extended universe!! Emma Watson says taking over the role of Daphne Blake was really interesting, I mean she has been portrayed by 3 actresses in live action, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Kate Melton, and Sarah Jeffery?!! Aubrey Plaza stands up and grabs a microphone. Aubrey Plaza talks into the microphone and says I loved playing Velma in the movie!!! Tony Garcia says and of course Emma and I ended up falling in love with each other while filming the movie. Tony Garcia says it was really cool driving around in the mystery machine!!! Tony Garcia says it's true that I'm going to be directing the justice league tv movie for CW!! Collin Reisenauer says Neil Fanning did an awesome job of voicing Scooby Doo in the movie!! Collin Reisenauer says we chose to have the inspector Clouseau stuff in the movie be a lot more like the old school Blake Edwards style of slapstick comedy!! After Comic-Con Collin Reisenauer and Tony Garcia drive to the flash set. The makeup lady does Collin Reisenauer's hair to make it look more like Hal Jordan's hair. The main costume guy puts the Hal Jordan outfit on Collin Reisenauer. Collin Reisenauer follows Tony Garcia to the first filming location which is the apartment that they use as Barry Allen's apartment in the flash tv series. Grant Gustin walks up to Tony Garcia as Barry Allen. Tony Garcia says okay in the first scene Barry Allen is trying to sleep but he's having strange visions. Tony Garcia says this scene is going to be filmed as 2 separate parts. Grant Gustin lays on the bed in the bedroom. Grant Gustin has his body covered with a blanket. Grant Gustin closes his eyes. Tony Garcia yells action!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Grant Gustin pretends to be struggling while sleeping. Tony Garcia yells cut that was perfect!!!!!

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