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Hugh Jackman goes and takes a shower in his trailer. The main costume guy takes the Dr. Van Helsing outfit off of Collin Reisenauer and puts a different Dr. Van Helsing outfit on him. The main costume guy puts a different Jonathan Harcker outfit on Hugh Jackman. Collin Reisenauer, Tony Garcia, and Hugh Jackman all follow Gary Shore to the next filming location which is the room that they are using as Mr. Renfields room. Tony Garcia sits down on the bed. Gary Shore says in the scene that we are going to film right now Mr. Renfield is wanting spiders. Collin Reisenauer and Hugh Jackman both stand out of the cameras view. Gary Shore yells action!!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Tony Garcia screams I want spiders like a crazy person. Tony Garcia screams I want nice fat spiders!!! Gary Shore yells cut that was perfect!!!!! Tony Garcia suddenly gets a phone call from CW saying that the justice league tv movie has been cancelled because of Warner bros not letting them use Wonder Woman and also because of the DC extended universe. Tony Garcia hangs up his cellphone, looks at Collin Reisenauer, and says Collin the justice league tv movie has been cancelled. Collin Reisenauer says let me guess the DC extended universe. Tony Garcia says yep. Gary Shore says okay in the scene that we are going to film right now Dr. Van Helsing, Jonathan Harcker, and Dr. Seward figure out a way to trap Dracula. Gary Shore says Dr. Van Helsing also fights the master vampire. Collin Reisenauer, Tony Garcia, and Hugh Jackman all follow Gary Shore to the next filming location which is the room that they are using as Dr. Seward's office. Christoph Waltz walks up to Collin Reisenauer as Dr. Seward. Tony Garcia stands out of the cameras view. Christoph Waltz sits down at his desk. Gary Shore grabs the video camera, yells action, and starts filming. Hugh Jackman looks at Christoph Waltz and says everything Professor Helsing has been saying is true, Lucy didn't go missing like we thought... Dracula is a vampire and he turned Lucy into a vampire. Hugh Jackman says Lucy tried to attack me so she could turn me into a vampire but Professor Helsing saved me!!! Christoph Waltz says wait a minute Dracula is a vampire?!! Collin Reisenauer says yes he's a vampire and he's also the vampire who bit Mina in a very realistic fake English accent.

 Hugh Jackman says Lucy tried to attack me so she could turn me into a vampire but Professor Helsing saved me!!! Christoph Waltz says wait a minute Dracula is a vampire?!! Collin Reisenauer says yes he's a vampire and he's also the vampire who bit...

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Hugh Jackman says Professor Helsing saved me from Lucy by pointing a church cross at her?!! Collin Reisenauer says Mr. Harcker killed Lucy by driving a stake into her heart... That's the only way to kill a vampire in a very realistic fake English accent. Collin Reisenauer says Mr. Renfield is Dracula's servant in a very realistic fake English accent.

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