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Tony Garcia quickly runs out of the toy story through the back entrance. Collin Reisenauer yells cut that was amazing!!!!!! Collin Reisenauer says now we are going to go film the next scene which has Jason Todd at his nightclub hearing about the new Batman on the T.V. Collin Reisenauer says this is only going to be a small cameo. The main costume guy puts a pair of navy blue dress pants, a pair of navy blue dress shoes, a blue shirt, tie, and a navy blue suit on Collin Reisenauer. The makeup guy does Collin Reisenauer's hair to make it look more like Jason Todd's hair. The makeup guy dies Collin Reisenauer's hair jet black and spray paints a white streak across Collin Reisenauer's hair. The makeup guy puts age makeup on Collin Reisenauer's face to make him look somewhat younger.

Tony Garcia and Ben Affleck both follow Collin Reisenauer to the next filming location which is a nightclub in Japan

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Tony Garcia and Ben Affleck both follow Collin Reisenauer to the next filming location which is a nightclub in Japan. Collin Reisenauer sits down at a piano. Tony Garcia and Ben Affleck both stand out of the cameras view. Collin Reisenauer yells action!!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Collin Reisenauer starts playing the piano. A waitress walks up to Collin Reisenauer. Collin Reisenauer says one beer please. The waitress smiles and hands Collin Reisenauer a beer. Collin Reisenauer pretends to notice them talking about the new Batman on the T.V.. Collin Reisenauer stops playing the piano. Collin Reisenauer says wait a minute?... There's a new Batman?!!! Collin Reisenauer yells cut that was perfect!!!!!! The makeup guy takes the age makeup off of Collin Reisenauer's hair. The makeup guy washes the hair dye out of Collin Reisenauer's hair. Collin Reisenauer gets his regular clothes back on.

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