Chapter 22! Page 63!

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Collin Reisenauer smiles and says congratulations Tony. Collin Reisenauer says okay in the scene that we are going to film right now Bruce Wayne and Terry McGinnis discover that the group of bad guys all work for Derek Powers. Tony Garcia and Ben Affleck both follow Collin Reisenauer to the next filming location which is the batcave. Ben Affleck sits down at the batcomputer. The prop guy hands Ben Affleck the walking cane and a sniper rifle. Tony Garcia stands next to the batmobile. Collin Reisenauer yells action!!!!!! The camera guys start filming. Ben Affleck bitterly says you better not be touching the batmobile. Tony Garcia walks up to Ben Affleck. Tony Garcia pretends to notice the sniper rifle and says what's with the rifle? Ben Affleck says I took it from one of those guys who were harassing us after I killed him... It looks like those guys all work for Derek Powers. Tony Garcia says wait a minute... Derek Powers the guy who owns Wayne-Powers?!! Ben Affleck bitterly says yes, the Wayne-Powers logo is on the rifle. Ben Affleck turns towards Tony Garcia and bitterly says it looks like your father discovered something he shouldn't of and Derek Powers had him murdered. Ben Affleck bitterly says one of Derek Powers men hangs out at a bar that's not that far from here. Collin Reisenauer yells cut that was perfect!!!!! The main costume guy takes the Terry McGinnis outfit off of Tony Garcia and puts Tony Garcia's batsuit on him. Tony Garcia and Ben Affleck both follow Collin Reisenauer to the next filming location which is a futuristic looking bar in Japan. Tony Garcia and Ben Affleck both follow Collin Reisenauer onto the roof. The roof is also an outdoor seating area. The unknown actor who is portraying the bad guy gets into his position. Tony Garcia stands out of the cameras view. Collin Reisenauer yells action!!!!!! The camera guys start filming. The unknown actor drinks some of his beer. Tony Garcia walks into the cameras view and reveals himself. The unknown actor quickly points his gun at Tony Garcia. Tony Garcia quickly kicks the gun out of the unknown actors hand. Tony Garcia quickly kicks the unknown actor really hard in the face. The unknown actor hits the ground really hard. Tony Garcia presses really hard on the unknown actors chest with his right foot. Tony Garcia says hello I need you to tell me what your boss is planning.

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