Virgil Arrives

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"Virgil? Are you ready to leave?"

 Virgil trembled as he saw Patton and Logan get out of the car along with another little boy. He didn't know that they had another son, and it only added to his growing anxiety. 

"I..what if they decide to....what..I..." The matron sadly smiled and knelt down next to the trembling young boy. 

"They already love you Virgil. You know that right?"

The door bell rang and Virgil felt like he needed to throw up. He desperately looked over at the woman who had been taking care of him while Patton and Logan completed the adoption process and nodded. He could do this. 

"Hello! Come in come in." Virgil felt his shoulders relax slightly as he looked at Logan's calm face and Patton's bright eyes again. He didn't realize how much he missed them...Or how much he thought they weren't going to come back for him. 

 "Thanks Mrs. Clara. It's raining cats and dogs out there," Patton joked as he unfolded his umbrella. Raining cats and dogs? Virgil looked at the window and frowned when he only saw normal rain. 

"Yes I suppose that's one way to say it." Clara laughed and gestured for Virgil to join them. Virgil looked around the group and saw who the boy was. He surprisingly looked a lot like Patton and Logan. He had dark blonde hair that was elegantly pulled away from his face and bright blue eyes, just like Patton. 

"Hi! I'm Roman," The boy stated a bit louder than was needed as he struck a heroic pose. Virgil flinched away from the enthusiastic child, slightly startled. "Are you okay?" No! I'm not! I'm so scared, Virgil's mind screamed at him. But he simply nodded at the older child. 

"Okay well everything's checking out on my computer.'re free to go." Virgil trembled again and tightened his grip on his small backpack. Patton let out a small cheer, and naturally, Roman mimicked his excitement. 

"Thank you so much for all you've done Mrs. Clara," Logan responded as he walked over and gave her a formal handshake. 

"Oh my goodness, of course. He was amazing the whole time and I'm so glad he found such an incredible family." Virgil weakly smirked in appreciation and embarrassment as Logan gave him a proud smile. A smile that said, 'see, we knew you could do it'. He turned to face Mrs. Clara but quickly looked down when she made eye contact. "Bye Virgil. I'm going to miss you." Virgil looked up in shock and smiled before awkwardly waving goodbye. 


An hour later they pulled into a small neighbor hood. It was crammed with houses that practically looked the same and each one of them stood firm in the rain and wind. Cozy lights lit them from the inside and occasionally you could see a small family having dinner through windows. Virgil nearly gasped as they pulled into the driveway. He'd never lived in a house that looked nice before. He was so used to the run down house in the middle of a neighbor hood where everyone hated his family. They all got out of the car and made their way to the door under the umbrella. Virgil could feel the tension in his chest building. 

What if you screw this up? Can't handle it? 

Once they got to the door, Roman and Logan immediately went into the house. But Virgil hesitated. 

You'll ruin everything! 

He tensed up when he felt a hand on his shoulder, it was only Patton but he was still so worried.  "Wanna come in buddy?" Virgil nodded and followed Patton into the house despite wanting to run the other way.  "Okay it's almost time for dinner. Why don't you go play with Roman?" Roman waved from the living room, he was already surrounded by small action figures set up around a castle. Virgil had never played with anyone but Remy before. He shook his head. 

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