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AN: hey guys, i know this isn't generally what i write. but this was suggested by @-JustAnEditor- and i really like the idea. so in this AU Patton adopts Logan. sooo yeah!

TW: it's a lil bit angsty

Logan was sitting out the small window by his bunk, eyes glazed over and not taking in the outside world. He was being officially adopted today. He barely knew the man. They had had one conversation during the couple of months it took the paperwork to process, but that was it. The man seemed kind enough. Seemed like he would do his best. But Logan wasn't a child anymore. He was fourteen and he knew that this man was not his real Dad. His real Dad was dead. He had died when Logan was 8 and his mom left him a couple years after that. Logan knew that this man would never be his father.

"Logan, are you packed?" The boy snapped out of his trance and turned away from the window. The matron was a nice enough man, but he wasn't even close to a parental figure.

"Yes. I packed...Is he here?"

"Yeah. He just wants to know if you want a couple minutes to say goodbye to anyone." Logan shook his head and jumped off the top bunk. He grabbed a small backpack from the ground and slung it over his shoulders. There was no one he needed to say goodbye to, because no one here even cared that he existed.

They walked down the stairs in an awkward silence. Logan felt like he should thank the man for keeping him alive for the past 4 years. But he also had never had an actual conversation with this man. The matron felt the same way. He felt the need to thank the teenager for never complaining and being willing to help with the younger children and the chores. But he also knew this child was not his, and he had no right to be emotionally attached. Logan rounded the corner and saw the man sitting in the living room, pacing nervously.

Logan cleared his throat and Patton immediately stopped his pacing. "Oh my goodness! Heya kiddo! Sorry, I didn't hear you come down the stairs." Logan stepped forward and held his hand out to Patton politely.

"Thank you for adopting me Mr. Sanders." Patton giggled and shook his hand enthusiastically.

"No need to be so formal with me Logan. Is it alright if we take off?" Logan nodded and awkwardly looked over at the matron who was already heading upstairs again.

"Yes. Lets go." Patton smiled brightly and lead Logan outside to a light grey jeep.

"So uh, I don't know if you're comfortable with this, if you're not just keep calling me Mr. Sanders, but you can call me Patton." Logan looked over at his new parent and cocked one eyebrow. "What's wrong kiddo?" Logan shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest, avoiding any contact with Patton. "Did I do something wrong?" Once again Logan shook his head but didn't speak. Patton decided he must just need sometime and unlocked the car for him. "Sit wherever you're most comfortable." Logan smiled without showing his teeth and nodded before getting in the back seat. Also, he didn't want to bother Patton by riding in the passenger seat. Patton closed the door for Logan before running over to the drivers seat and climbing in. "So, are you ready for this?" Logan looked out the window at the small foster home he was in. He had only been there for a month before his mom had legally put him up for adoption and Patton found him.

"Yes," he mumbled and turned to face the front off the car. He didn't look back.


"So yeah. Your Uncle and his husband are staying here for a night or two because Roman booked their hotel for next week instead of this week." Patton laughed joyfully and Logan exhaled a little bit out of his nose, Patton took it as a laugh. "But don't worry, they're both really nice. Roman's a little eccentric, but he's still cool." Logan could tell Patton was worried about what he was thinking. He really wanted to make Logan feel welcomed and safe. So far it was working.

"I'm not worried Mr- I mean Patton." Patton beamed and Logan felt himself smirk. His face was actually hurting because Patton had been making him smile during the whole 3 hour drive. They pulled into a small neighborhood and Patton stopped at the first little apartment complex.

"Here we are! Do you want me to take your stuff?" Patton stopped the car and Logan froze. This was actually happening. He was actually moving in with a complete stranger. When Patton opened his door Logan flinched back, almost hitting his head on the roof. "Hey, you're okay. Everything's going to be fine kiddo," Patton whispered soothingly as he sat in the seat next to the one Logan had moved into. "Do you need to talk?"

"I-I don't even know you," Logan whispered. His voice terrified and small.

"Logan. I know this is scary. But ya gotta trust me kid."

"I'm not a kid."


"Why did she leave me?" He didn't realize what he said until after he said it. He also didn't notice the tears on his cheeks until Patton gently wiped one away. "I am..I apologize Patton. I did not think I would open up that quickly," Logan apologized as he turned away from Patton and opened the car door.

"Logan. Wait." Patton refrained from calling him kid. Patton ran to the other side of the car and saw Logan sitting on the sidewalk, head in his hands and chest rising slowly. Patton slowly joined him and waited until Logan was ready to talk again.

"I am sorry." Logan lifted his head and the look in his eyes made Patton want to give him the biggest hug ever. "I did not mean to become so emotional. I shouldn't be shocked."

"Ya know it's okay to be upset and one of the main reasons I'm now in your life is to support and help you right?" Logan nodded and looked down at the ground again.

"I do not want to be upset. I just want to have a good night with your family." Patton nodded and instead of pressing the subject, pushed himself up off the sidewalk.

"Then lets go."

/a couple days later/

"And you'll text me when you're going to your next concert correct," Logan asked Virgil as he held out his hand.

"Definitely Lo, wouldn't dream of going without you now that I know you like AJR too." They did a short, goofy handshake and Patton smiled as he hugged Roman.

"Thank you for making his first few days home amazing Ro." Roman smiled too and whispered in Patton's ear,

"You're going to make a great Father." Patton felt happy tears well in his eyes and he looked over and saw that Logan walk over to the living room to examine the family pictures on the wall for the millionth time.

"I think he's going to make an even better son."

AN: that's it! if you wanna see more of this AU just let me know, i'd love to maybe even make a new book just for it. be safe y'all.


Adoption Au: Sanders SidesWhere stories live. Discover now