Road Trip Part 1

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Virgil yawned deeply and turned on his blinker, veering into the same lane as his parents. The music coming from his stereo was playing softly in the background, blending with the sound of his engine and the air coming in through his cracked window. Remy was asleep next to him, Roman and Emile were cuddled together in the back seat watching something on Emile's phone. They had been on the road for about three hours, and Virgil (although he loved driving) couldn't help but notice that his legs were sore and his mind was starting to drift.

"Hey Roman," he called into the back seat as he pressed on the brakes and pulled the car to a stop.

"Yes Verge?"

"Could you text Dad and ask him how much further we're going?" Roman nodded and pulled his own phone out of his pocket.

"Oh, he beat us to it. He says that we would only have about an hour left, but there's an accident a while ahead of us. The delay may be between 1 to 3 hours." Emile groaned and sat up stretching his arms above his head.

"Do any of us even know where we're going," he questioned before leaning back down onto Roman's shoulder.

"Nope. Father refused to give us the directions. He just said to follow behind the truck and that he'd text us directions once we get off of the freeway." Remy stirred awake and glanced around the car, looking lost and confused.

"Your glasses are on the dash love," Virgil remarked as he eased his car forward about two inches before pressing on the brakes again. "Ew, Roman tell Dad we said to stop kissing and pay attention to the road." The car inched forward again and Emile reached forward to turn up the music a little.

"How much longer do we have," Remy murmured as he placed his hand on Virgil's hand. Virgil closed his hand around Remy's and pulled it up to his face, planting a soft kiss on it.

"Well, plus traffic, potentially another three hours." Remy nodded and kissed the back of Virgil's hand too.

"Who wants to place a bet one where we're going," Roman asked from the back as he took out his phone and motioned for the aux chord.

"I'm in," Emile chirped excitedly as he reached into the backpack at his feet and started pulling out snacks. "I bet, a bag of goldfish, three pieces of licorice and this random dollar that we're going on a hike somewhere and camping. Why else would your parents bring the pick up?" Roman smirked and also started emptying his backpack.

"I bet my crappy earbuds, a safety pin and my jamba juice gift card that we're going to the beach for the day and then doing a sleep over at our house." Remy, who was still half asleep pulled a five dollar bill out of his pocket and threw it into the pile that had been collecting on the median.

"I bet this and nothing else that we're going to the aquarium and then spending the night somewhere." Virgil sat and started at the bed of the silver pick up truck in front of them and studied the tarp that covered it.

"I'm with Emile on this one. Camping, but not after a hike. I think we're going camping on the beach."

"Is that even legal?" Virgil shrugged as he slowly inched the car forward again, trying to ignore the noise of honking all around him. "What're you betting?"

"I'll buy the winner starbucks every morning for a month." The car erupted with cheers of joy and competitive jeers as Virgil rolled his eyes.

"Hey, Dad told me to tell you to switch into the left lane right behind them." Just then the blinker on the truck turned on and Virgil mimicked it. He also stuck his hand out to signal his lane change. He really didn't want to lose his parents in this crap.

"Well, since we're stuck here for a while. How about the entirety of Hadestown?" All four of the teenagers immediately began enthusiastically dividing the roles as they rolled down the windows the rest of the way and cranked the volume on their stereo. All euphoric from the curiosity, and excited for the adventure that lay ahead.

AN: in case you're wondering, Roman was Hermès and Persephone, Emile was the fates and Hades, Virgil was Euridisie and Remy was Orpheus. i just thought that was kinda important. hope y'all enjoyed, comment who you think won the bet! part 2 should be done soon.


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