Moving Away

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AN: Oooh this is gonna be good. This is a story from about younger Patton. It's placed when he's 16 exactly a week before he meets Logan. It's gonna be sad..sorry
TW: A singular cuss word(sorry)

1 week after he's gone
"I'm sorry for your loss...Is there anything I can do to help?"
2 weeks after he's gone
"Patton? Patton buddy. Come eat."
3 weeks
"Patton. Please snap out of it!"
1 month
"I can't help you if you're not going to help yourself." Patton looked at the plain, ugly carpet in the counselors office. Dr.Neely sighed and placed his head in his hands. "Patton. What happened today?" Patton's eyes welled up with tears and he quickly pushed them away with the heel of his hand. "Nothing happened today." That was a lie. His best friends told him he wasn't himself anymore. Told him they didn't like him when he was always acting so depressed. Told him they wanted to old Patton back. Dr.Neely sighed again and massaged his nose. "Are you sure," he questioned. "I can tell something's bothering you."
"Micah's gone," Patton deadpanned as he finally looked up from the carpet. His once gleeful eyes were dead behind his thick rimmed glasses. "I know Patton. That's why you're here." Patton's pale face showed no emotions as he turned to look out the window. Rain drops fell in a steady rhythm, making a lovely pitter patter noise on the roof. "Micah loved the rain almost as much as he loved the way leaves fell in the fall." Dr.Neely noticed a change in Patton's face. "Patton-"
"I miss him Dr.Neely! Is that what you want me to tell you," the teenage boy snapped as he stood up. "I miss him so much! He was what I lived for! Do you understand that?!" Dr.Neely held out his arms in surrender. "No Patton. I will never know what you went through." Patton collapsed into the chair, his chest falling and rising unsteadily. "I-I miss him. I didn't get to say goodbye." Dr.Neely knelt in front of Patton's seat and gently grabbed his shoulder. "Patton. You grew up too fast. You had to be there for Micah as you both went through foster care." Patton looked at Dr.Neely and let a tear fall down his cheek. "And then you had to continue being there for him as you went through life." A chocked sob escaped Patton as his shoulders sagged forward. "And had to support him when you figured out he had cancer." Patton's shoulder shook as he let out another sob. "I will never be able to imagine that Patton."
"He's-he's gone," Patton cried out as he felt everything within him collapse. All the strength, all the bottled emotions, all the untouched grief. It all spilled out of him like a river, and he couldn't stop it. "No one loves me. No one cares that Micah's gone," he muttered between gasps of air. He grabbed onto Dr.Neely's arm like a lifeline and squeezed. "I just...I want my brother back!"


"Hey Leo, hey Layla." Patton's friends turned away from each other and reluctantly allowed Patton in to create a small triangle. "Hey Patton. Did you uh..go yesterday," Leo asked cautiously. Patton nodded and took a deep breath. "I'm moving." Layla groaned, and Patton hoped it was sarcastic. "What?" Layla rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone. "Why Patt? Did you really get hurt by what we said yesterday?" Leo's face showed his inner conflict as he looked at Patton, then Layla, then Patton again. "We were joking buddy," Leo tried to explain, but Patton could tell he was lying. "Guys. I know you don't like me when I'm like this. But I just lost my everything. I was expecting you to be a little more supportive. But you're just dragging me down even more," Patton declared as he pointlessly ran his hand through his tangled hair. "So. I'm going to a different school. Getting a new life. Starting over." Leo moved closer to Layla and shot Patton a disgusted look. "I'm like a brother to you Patt. Why would you leave me over a joke?!" Layla chuckled and wrapped her left arm around Leo. "I wasn't joking," she mocked as she pocketed her phone. "So go ahead Patt. Leave. If you wanna throw away your life here, be my guest you depressed piece of shit." With that Layla walked away flipping Patton off as she did so. "L-Leo," Patton questioned hopefully. He didn't know what he wanted to hear, or if he needed to know anything. Something helpful was all Patton needed. But Leo only shook his head murmured, "goodbye Patton".


"Hey, are you Patton Sanders?" Patton forced a smile and held out his sweaty hand to the kind looking boy. "Awesome sauce. I'm Thomas, I'll help you find your classes okay?" Patton forced a smile as they shook hands. No one likes a depressed piece of shit. "Sounds like a plan Stan!" Thomas chuckled and only one thing was on Patton's mind. Micah would've been this kid. The one to show new kids around. Micah cared.

Wow two stories in one day(it's almost midnight..RIP my non-existent sleep schedule). Alright thanks for reading good day/night!

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