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AN: thank you @Blue_Spider_Official for reminding me that i NEVER write about Emile(or Picani, i'll use his real name now, sorry). Emile is currently 8 and Roman is 5. so here y'all go, hope you enjoy it :)

TW: slight mentions of drug abuse, rejection, mentions of cancer and car accident

"Heya guys," Patton called out as he opened the door for his best friend Thomas and a young boy. "Come on in." Thomas nodded gratefully, knelt down and whispered something into the boys ear. He nodded too and slowly followed Thomas into the warm hallway. "Geez, what is up with this weather? It's still supposed to be summer for a couple months isn't it," Patton joked as he looked out at the dark clouds and wind.

"I know, it's crazy," Thomas agreed as he took off his sweater and placed it on a phone booth that had pictures of his two best friends and a small toddler that looked so much like them it was scary. Patton closed the door and smiled as he saw his husband coming down the stairs.

"Hello Thomas."

"Heya nerd." Patton giggled and ran over to give Logan a kiss on the cheek. Logan blushed and wrapped his arm around Patton's back. 

"Roman is asleep. I understand that you wanted to talk to us about something." Thomas nodded and pointed over at his son who was still standing right inside the doorway, blankly staring off into the distance.

"He hasn't been like he normally is. Ever since he-" Thomas's eyes filled with tears as he watched Emile sit on the floor and continue to stare off. "Ever since he got to visit his brother." Patton exhaled deeply and looked over at the small child.

"Why did the court say his brother couldn't take him in," Logan questioned as he let go of Patton and placed a caring hand on Thomas's shoulder.

"Well, for one thing the court found out that he uses drugs so that's one thing. The second is..he-he doesn't want to take him." Patton gasped and turned to face Thomas.

"He-He didn't say that in front of the kiddo, did he," Patton whispered as he placed his head on Logan's shoulder. The look Thomas gave him said it all. Patton and Logan could feel their hearts shatter.

"What..What do I do?" Thomas was crying as he turned and also put his head on Logan's shoulder. "What do I do? I'm losing my kid..Patt....Patt what do I do," he whispered. Logan could feel Thomas's shoulders shake and the tears fall on his shirt. Patton moved away from Logan and looked over at Emile who was still staring at nothing and registering nothing.

"Can I talk to him Thomas? You and Logan could go to the kitchen and get something to drink while you calm down if you want." Thomas nodded into Logan's shoulder and sniffled.

"Sounds goo," Logan agreed for him as he took Thomas's hand and started to guide him towards the kitchen. Patton walked towards Emile slowly, trying not to startle him. But he didn't know if he could anyways.

"Emile," he whispered as he placed a hand on the child's shoulder. "Emile, do you wanna talk?" The small boy looked up, but his eyes were still glazed over, confused and not processing Patton's words. "Kiddo, it's Patton...Do you want to talk in the living room?" Emile shook his head and blinked slowly, a tear sliding down his cheek. "Have you talked at all these past few weeks?" Once again, the child shook his head. "Why not?" Emile looked away and shoved himself up from the ground. "Kid-"

"Because I'm annoying," he whispered.

"Annoying?" Emile nodded and turned to face Patton, refusing to make eye contact. "What do you mean annoying kiddo?" Emile looked into the kitchen and saw his Dad sipping something from a blue mug, tears tracing his cheeks.

"I hurt people." Patton looked at Thomas as well and sighed.s

"Let's go into the living room okay?" Emile didn't nod, but he did follow Patton into the room and placed himself in the chair closest to the warm fireplace. Patton grabbed the stool from the piano and placed it in front of Emile before sitting down. "Okay. I know you're going through a lot Emile..And I know you're young and this is really hard for you, but if I'm gonna help you I need some details."

"D-Details?" Patton hated this part of his job. Having to hear the backstories.

"Why were you put up for adoption?" Emile's shoulders tensed and even through the orange tint from the fire he looked pale as a ghost. "Kiddo, I need to know so that I can help you."

"My..My mom..My mom was diagnosed with cancer when I was 5 and she passed away three months later." Patton's heart clenched at the mention of cancer, but he could talk to Logan later. Right now he knew he needed to be there for Emile. "My dad decided that..that he needed to work harder to support us..But by working harder he had to work later..and one night, he got into a car accident." Tears were running down Emile's face and he quickly wiped them away.

"Okay..Good job Emile. I'm so proud of you for sharing that..Now could you tell me a little bit about your relationship with your older brother?" Emile tensed up even more and a choked sob escaped his throat. "Do you need a second?" Emile nodded and stood up from the chair, pacing back and forth and taking deep breaths.

"C-Can we not talk? I-I'll be fine on my own. I'll-I'll talk again. I won't b-bug anyone anymore. I promise." Patton sighed and shook his head.

"Kiddo. I know how you feel. I never wanted to talk to my therapist either...But it really does help." Emile sat down again and nodded his head.

"Y-You promise it'll help?"

"Of course." Emile took another deep breath and looked up at Patton.

"My brother always blamed me for my Dad's death while he was still in the system. He told our social worker that he didn't care if we got separated since he was a legal adult in 2 months anyways." Emile sniffled and wiped his nose with his sweater sleeve. "I-I was stupid and figured he'd want to take me in once he could..and when he didn't I thought maybe something had ha-happened to him so I visited him with Thomas." Patton nodded and scooted his stool closer.

"And, what happened?"

"We...We got there and I told him I thought he was going to adopt me and he called me dumb and annoying...He told me I was a brat because I was willing to move onto a new family so quickly. Then..Then he told me the court wouldn't let him have custody anyways and he slammed the door in my face," he recounted numbly and monotonously. "So..Yeah..that sucks."

"Would you say that your brothers words are why you stopped talking? And does it affect your relationship with Thomas at all?" Emile laughed sadly and looked over at the fire.

"Yeah..without a doubt."

"Why's that?" Another sad laugh.

"Because he's right isn't he? I should be sad that my parents passed away, yet I still love Thomas." Patton frowned and looked into the kitchen where he saw Thomas staring blankly at a wall.

"Didn't..Didn't you used to call him Dad?" Emile nodded and looked back at Patton. "Why did you stop?"

"Because I want Jason to want me." Patton nodded and hummed with understanding.

"Do you think that throwing away a person who loves you is worth gaining someone who doesn't?" Emile shook his head and frowned.


"You do love Thomas right?"

"Of course..But.." Emile paused and placed his head in his hands with a sigh.

"But what kiddo?"

"Wh-What if he doesn't love me back?"

AN: there's Emile's backstory of why he's adopted. there will definitely be a part two of this one and it will end with SO MUCH FLUFF that you might cry tears of happiness. stay safe y'all


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