bullies(part 2)

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AN: hey guys, once again(not trying to be pushy buuuut)requests would be amazing right now. i've kinda hit a writing block but i still have the motivation to write. i'm hoping i get more ideas soon. anyways, hope y'all are doing great, stay safe guys.


TW: physical violence, usage of the f work and no i don't mean funfetti and the a word no i don't mean apples

last chapter :"H-help," he whispered. There was no way anyone would hear him though. He refused to open his eyes and rolled onto his side, a sharp stabbing pain running through his body. "Oh my god someone help me!"

A couple weeks later

"Ya know Roman, Virgil's actually pretty cool," Nick joked as he tossed a football to Ethan who was sitting lazily under a nearby tree. "Yeah, we've been hanging out with him and walking to classes with him," Ryan added as he took the script Roman was reading out of his hands. "He's chill I guess." Roman gave Ryan and joking glare and took his script back. "Virgil is anything but chill," he joked without thinking. The bell rang and Ethan groaned deeply. "Do I really have to go to math," he complained as he pushed himself up from the ground and threw the ball back to Nick. "We could stop by the bathroom first." Ethan nodded at Ryan and grabbed his practically empty backpack from the seat next to Roman. "Why aren't you on the team man, everyone else is." Roman closed the script and placed it in his backpack. "Because it's at the same time as the musical. And to be honest I suck at sports. I'm made for the stage though." Ethan gave him a confused nod and turned back to Nick. "Are you staying for the varsity try-outs Nick." Nick nodded and placed the ball under his arm. "Of course I am. And I'm gonna make it. Coach already told me." Ryan cleared his throat and shoved himself into Nick. "Ya know if we don't go to the bathroom now we're gonna be late." All three of them said their goodbyes and Roman walked down to earth science all alone.


"Hey Virgil," Nick taunted as he blocked the door to the bathroom and the final bell rang. "Ethan you forged the note right."

"I'm not an idiot Ryan." Ethan handed a yellow tardy slip to Ryan who smiled contently. "G-Guys, I'm gonna be late to class...Let me g-go."

"Not until you say please like a good boy Virgil," Ryan taunted before shoving the note into his backpack. "P-Please Ryan."

"Give me your math homework." Virgil took his backpack off his back and frantically rummaged through his stacks of papers. "H-Here. T-That's the one..Now let me go." Ryan snatched the paper from Virgil's shaking hand and looked it over. "I'm not in math two you nerd." Ryan walked over to the stall Virgil came out of and Virgil tried to reach him, but Nick grabbed his left shoulder and shoved him into the wall as hard as he could. Virgil's vision went in and out as he heard the sound of a toilet flushing and people laughing. "What about the English homework?"

"I-I ne-need my homework," Virgil muttered as his eyesight started fading more and more. "Hey!" Nick continued to hold Virgil up and pushed him harder. "Oh my god stop! Stop it please," Virgil screamed. "If I were you I'd back the fuck up." Virgil grabbed Nick's wrist and tried to pull it away. "And what are you gonna do Elliot? Hm, tell a teacher?"

"I'll tell your brother." Ryan scoffed and grabbed Virgil's backpack. "My brother doesn't even know you exist."

"Those are some brave words coming from a kid who only knows my name..now should I tell him?" Virgil opened his eyes wider and the room swayed back and forth, making him feel queasy and like he was going to vomit. He squeezed his eyes shut again and felt a tear slip down his cheek. "Please let me go Nick."

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