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AN: i had to do this ok? SPOILERS for new video?? i dunno. hope y'all enjoy it 

TW: mentions of drug use, the s word (no not sanders. the profane one)

"Hey Princey," Virgil greeted groggily as he stumbled into the living room and plopped down on the couch.

"Wow, hey sleeping beauty. You look so energetic this morning. What's the occasion?" Virgil scoffed and pulled his phone out of his pocket with a groan. "No response?"

"I just didn't sleep well last night Romano. It's nothin'." Roman paused the movie he was watching and frowned at his brother.

"This is like, the fourth day you've said that." Virgil shrugged and put his phone back in his pocket. "You're not concerned by it?"

"Nah." Roman shrugged too and started the movie again just as their Father came into the living room and joined Virgil on the couch. He was holding a mug of warm liquid and Virgil seemed to be excited. "Is there any coffee left?" Logan laughed and handed the mug to his son.

"I already finished mine. This is for you." Virgil nodded as a thanks and started sipping the coffee.

"This, is a gift from God." Roman laughed and turned his attention away from the movie.

"I don't know how you two drink that stuff," he said disgustedly with a small smirk. "It tastes like cigarette butts smell."

"I agree with ya kiddo." Patton came in and sat on the armrest next to Logan before planting a kiss on his husbands head. "Uh, could we turn the TV off and uh, Verge?" Virgil hummed and tilted his head in confusion.

"We need to talk to Roman," Logan finished as he gave Virgil's hand a light squeeze. Virgil nodded and stood up from the couch, his hip popping loudly. Roman normally would have made a joke. But at the moment he was scared out of his mind. As Virgil headed back to his room, Patton took his spot and smiled kindly at Roman.

"You're not in trouble. We just figured you'd want some privacy," Patton informed as Roman shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Then..Then what is it?" Logan hummed and folded his hands in his lap.

"Your brother was found." Roman frowned in confusion and chuckled nervously.

"I uh, didn't know Virgil went missing." No one else laughed. "There-There's no way they found Remus." Patton gave Logan a sad look and moved over to Roman. He placed his hands on Roman's knee with a small smile and gave it a tight squeeze.

"They found him kiddo."

"But, But they said he, they said he lost his mind." Logan also stood and joined Patton on the floor.

"They called us the other day and said that he's healed. They released him and he went off the charts for a couple years, ran away from every foster home they put him in. But someone finally adopted him. And he's adjusting really nicely. He even moved out and has his own house now." Roman shook his head as he remembered some of the things his brother had said to him in the past. "And kiddo, they said he's been clean for almost two years now. And that.." Logan looked over at Patton and Patton nodded encouragingly. "And that he wants to see you." Roman nodded and closed his eyes.


"Well, we're not doing anything today. And Virgil is already going to Remy's house. So, today?" Roman took a deep breath and looked up again, putting on his bravest smile.

"Sounds like a plan."


They pulled the car into a small driveway and parked the car next to another one. Romans truck barely fit, but he made it work.

"I can't believe you're driving kiddo," Patton commented as Roman cut the engine and pulled his keys from the ignition.

"I know Dad, you say that every time you see me drive." Logan laughed from the backseat and got out of the car.

"It's because your Dad is sentimental." Roman laughed, but he could feel the nervousness biting away at him. Making it harder to think straight. Is this what it feels like to be Virgil, good lord, Roman thought as he also got out of the car and locked it. "Are you ready for this?" Roman looked at the small house in front of him and shook his head.

"L-Last time I saw him I was 10. He was 14 and..and he said some disturbing things. You remember some of them don't ya." Logan nodded sadly and gave Roman a hug. "How old is he now? 20?" Logan nodded and pulled Roman in closer.

"Almost 21." Roman nodded and took another deep breath.

"Clean for two years," he whispered. His tone hopefully yet sad at the same time. Logan stepped away and motioned for Roman to lead the way.

"We're here with ya kiddo. If things get too out of hand we can leave," Patton encouraged as they all walked up the path to the door.

"Thanks Dad." They knocked on the door and Roman felt his chest twist together. Deep breaths. The lock clicked and then the door opened.

"Roman!" Roman barely recognized him. The dark bags that used to be under his eyes were gone and his outfit actually matched. His eyes weren't bloodshot and he looked, healthy. 

"R-Remus?" Remus smiles sadly and opened the door wider.

"Would you guys uh, want to come in?" They all nodded, but Roman couldn't move. He could feel tears in his eyes, threatening to spill down his cheeks any second.

"Remus," he said again with a small laugh.

"Roman. Listen kid, I know I wasn't the best brother. I made really, really dumb decisions and I said some messed up shit to you. I-I wasn't there for you at all when mom and dad...ya know.." Roman stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Remus' shoulders. Even though Remus was older, Roman was taller.

"I can't believe it's you," he whispered into Remus' shoulder as a tear fell down his cheek. "You..You're clean." Remus chuckled and hugged Roman tightly while playing with his brothers hair.

"Yeah..I am. And I'm going to be there for you more often kid." Roman pulled out of the hug and wiped away his tears with a smile.

"That sounds really nice."

"Yeah..It does. Doesn't it?" They hugged again, and the only thing Roman wanted was his brother to stay healthy. Because this, this felt really nice. "I missed you so much Roman."

"I missed you too Remus."

AN: yeah, not my best. but i just thought it was cute and i hope you guys enjoyed it. if you wanna see more Remus and Roman stories just go ahead and give me some suggestions. i'd love to write them. stay safe y'all


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