Christmas Time

358 17 5

AN: no one asked for this, and it's a couple days late but oh well


Virgil sat on the cold floor of his dark, musty bedroom. Longing for the warmth he could only imagine that filled the neighboring houses. Warm lights that shone late into the night. Warm food that was being cooked to perfection to be enjoyed later on that night. The warm laughs. Warm smiles. Warm-

"Virgil! Get down here now!" Virgil shuddered at his fathers voice and quickly pushed himself up from the floor where he had been sitting all day. "I mean now!" He rushed towards the door, and practically flung himself down the stairs into the living room. 

"Yes...Yes father?" 

"Wanna know what we're gonna do tonight," he slurred. A bright, unsettling smile drew comically on his face as he turned his chair to face his son. Virgil barley allowed himself to breath. "You wouldn't know...Stupid." He laughed as if teasing Virgil was the most clever thing anyone could have done. "We're gonna have a big ol' party with some of my pals." 

"Y-Yes father."

"For Christmas..." his father turned the chair towards the tv again and Virgil could feel the tension leave his shoulders. "So, you're gonna stay out of the way. Starting now, I don't want to see or hear from you until tomorrow night." Virgil nodded and disappeared up the stairs just as quickly as he has come down them. 

The night without his father and mother wasn't so bad. If anything, it was the best Christmas gift they had ever given him. 


"Virgil, it's Christmas!!" Roman slammed the door of Virgil's warm, brightly decorated room and posed dramatically. Virgil simply looked up from his computer, and smiled. 

"You realize it's five am right Princey?" Roman scoffed and moved over to join Virgil on the bed. 

"I could ask you the same question. Why are you up so early?" He shrugged and removed one earbud before handing it over to Roman. "Also, of course it's Nightmare Before Christmas." Virgil felt his smile grow even more as he pulled his hood over his head for warmth.  

"Just, thinking...Remembering some stuff. Trying to forget others." Roman nodded although he knew that he would never fully understand. 

"Well, I'm here to help you forget." A moment of silence was shared before Virgil resumed the movie. They had only been watching for a couple of minutes before Roman began his series of excited questions. "So...What did you get me?" Virgil laughed loudly and shook his head. 

"For the millionth time this month Roman, I'm not telling you. You'll figure out later."  Roman pouted and took the earbud out of his ear. 

"We should go wake Dad and Father." 

"Roman, you do realize we're fifteen right?" 

"You're no fun," he whined as he dramatically threw his arms out to the side and sunk back into Virgil's pillows (he probably had too many, but no one ever pointed this out to him). "Part of the joy on Christmas is waking everyone up obnoxiously at an unreasonable time, and you took the fun out of that by already being awake. 

"Fine. Let's go Romano." 


"Thank you Roman," Logan said warmly as he placed the level ten puzzle book into his pile of gifts. "It was very thoughtful of you." Roman beamed as he went over and gave his Father a hug. 

"You didn't have to get us anything kiddos." Patton was smiling so wide you would think his face was cracking as he started to pull on his ugly sweater that Roman had knitted. 

"I wanted to. After all, you guys do so much for me. And I thought maybe something small could help return the favor." Virgil stood up, and handed over two beautifully wrapped boxes to his Father. 

"It's kind of a shared gift...If that's okay." Logan gave Virgil a reassuring smile and nodded as he took the boxes and gently tossed one of them over to Patton. 

"It's perfect Virgil. Thank you." Virgil picked up one more present and threw it in Roman's direction. 

"Think fast." Roman caught it without even looking. "Damn, okay." 

"Language kiddo," Patton whispered as he looked down at the present Virgil had gotten them. "Also, what?"

"Virgil..How did you?" Logan shook his head and tried handing the box back to Virgil. But Virgil refused. 

"We can't accept this kiddo." 

"Oh my great Odin!!!" Everyone turned their attention to Roman who was now holding two tickets in his hand. "How did you get these?!" Virgil shrugged and chuckled lightly. 

"Let's just say I applied to a bunch of those radio show give aways." 

"Father!! Dad!! He got me tickets to Hamilton!" Patton's jaw dropped even further. As he looked between Virgil and Roman. 

"W-What? I figured I'd go full out this year. And I got them for free. All I had to spend was a couple hours on the internet and the phone." 

"And our plane tickets to New York?"

"And the hotel room?" Virgil smiled and folded his legs underneath himself. 

"I've been saving up for those for a while actually. So, while me and Roman go to Hamilton with Remy and Elliot, who also have tickets VIA radio, you guys are going to spend a week together. Relaxing and rekindling fires or..whatever."

"When," Roman practically yelled out of excitement. 

"Two weeks." 


"Dad, Father, I've already worked around your work schedules by calling bosses and figuring out that both of you took that week off anyways." Logan and Patton both stared at Virgil, not knowing what to say. "Merry Christmas."

"Thank you Virgil. This means so much too us," Patton finally murmured as he got up and embraced Virgil in a warm hug. "I just wish you guys were going with us."

"It's a chance for you two to take a break. And be alone, it's been a while. Besides," Virgil looked over at Roman who was staring at the tickets in admiration. "I'll get to bond with that nerd over there." 

"I heard that. And you're a nerd as well," Roman fired back. But he was smiling when he looked at his younger brother. 

Virgil knew then that this family was his warmth. It fueled every smile and laugh for the past few years, and had saved him from the dark.  It taught him new traditions and new things to enjoy every day. But most importantly, it taught him love. 

AN: hope it was good. comment any suggestions for new years or just one shots in general. i hope to be writing more often now. 


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