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AN: I need to stop writing, but I've been reading all day and have nothing else to do.


"How was dance kiddo," Thomas asked as he head Emile's bag hit the back seat and the door close with a gentle thud.

"It was fine." Thomas sent a puzzled look in Emile's direction as he started the car again.

"What's up? Normally you rant about what you guys did and stuff until we get home." Emile pulled on his seat belt and shrugged before looking out the window. "Did something happen?"

"I..I messed up my solo. And competition is only a week away. Today was when I needed it to be perfect since I don't have solo practice next week." Thomas let out a sympathetic noise as he backed their new Lexus out of the parking lot and onto the main road. "I needed to do well today." Thomas started driving again and contemplated how to comfort his son.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure no one expects you to be perfect, right?" Thomas stopped when he noticed that Emile was crying. "Kiddo. Oh Emile." Thomas pulled over and started to gently rub Emile's back. "Oh kiddo. It's going to be okay..I promise it's alright. I still think you're an amazing dancer, it was one practice. You're going to kill it next week." Emile nodded and muttered his gratitude to his dad before staring out the window again. "Do you uh, wanna get something to eat? And do you still want Roman to come over to spend the night?" Emile mentally yelled at himself, he had completely forgotten about the sleepover.

"I'm not hungry, and of course. I'd still love if Roman could spend the night." As if on cue, Emile's phone let out a chirp. "He sensed us talking about him."

"Some people say that if you call out his name three times in a row he'll appear out of thin air and start to serenade you with Disney songs." Emile couldn't help but laugh. That was something Roman did for him all of the time.

"He doesn't leave until you finally fall head over heels for him." Thomas also laughed and turned up the radio. Suddenly Emile remembered something that made him even more nervous and upset than he already was. "Aren't....Aren't the Sanders coming to this competition?" Thomas hummed in reassurance.

Oh God.

- - -
Emile's stomach churned when they pulled into their driveway and Roman's truck was already there. He didn't want to walk in front of him. He didn't want to walk at all. Thomas parked and waved at Roman before turning the car off.

"Hey, the sun's setting. I'll leave you two alone out here for a moment to enjoy it," he commented with a wink as he opened his door and started moving toward the house. Roman waved back and began walking towards Emile. "I'm gonna go inside and set up dinner if you two wanna hang out here for a second."

"Sounds great Thomas, see you inside!" Roman entered the car that Thomas had left and planted a gentle kiss on Emile's lips. "I missed you beautiful." Despite his nerves, Emile forced a laugh and rolled his eyes.

"We saw each other yesterday at school you dork...But I missed you too." Roman's smile grew even wider as he took Emile's hand. 

"So, are you excited for next weekend? I mean, sharing a hotel room, being in a new place, watching you be incredibly talented?" Emile's cheeks flushed. He was excited about the fact that they had their own room with Virgil and he was looking forward to doing fun things when they had the chance. But competing? 

"Of course I am love." 

"You had practice tonight, right?" Emile nodded and thought about practice again. 

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