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AN: hey guys, i know i've been writing a LOT of angst lately, but i kinda like writing it. i'll definitely write some fluff soon though thank you so much @Coconut1103 for this crazy good idea(i hope it's as good as you imagined it)

TW: physical violence, blood, broken bones and throwing up

"Virgil, do you want a ride to the library," Logan asked as he looked up from his book. "It's just around the corner and I want you to feel safe." Virgil placed his science notebook and pencil case in his galaxy backpack. "Nah, I'll be fine Father. Like I said, it's just around the corner." Logan smiled and looked back down at his book. "You'll tell me when you get there right?" Virgil felt around in his pocket for his phone and felt it. "Yup, I'll only be there until about 7 and if it makes you feel better I'll get a ride home with Remy." Logan nodded and smiled. "I would appreciate that."

"Love you Father," Virgil called out as he opened the door and inhaled deeply. "I love you too Verge." It was a brisk autumn day. Wind blew through the trees and the branches bent with reckless abandon, sending crinkly, colorful leaves flying all around. Fall was Virgil's favorite time of year. Chilly, but not cold. Warm, but not hot. The sunset at the perfect time and everything was vibrant and alive. He kicked a pile of leaves with his foot as he walked down the front steps with a content sigh. He heard a bird chirp happily in the distance and soon, several other birds responded just as cheerfully. Virgil pulled out his phone and his cheap earbuds, plugging them into the socket as he walked down the sidewalk towards the park where the library was. Clicking on his music app he clicked on his favorite album. Of course he liked MCR and Panic, but at the moment, his favorite album was by The Beatles. Abbey Road. Something about it was so positive, even though most of the songs were kind of ridiculous. And it matched the calm feeling that he was experiencing. As Come Together started playing, a cold breeze blew across Virgil's face and bare arms, sending a chill up his spine. He loved fall.


A couple blocks later, Virgil still wasn't at the library. I must've taken a wrong turn back there, he thought with a frown as he turned around and looked at the direction he had just come from. If I retrace my steps, I'll get back and then I can just ask Father for a ride. He nodded to himself and started walking back in the way he came. Making turns where he thought he needed to, and ending up at another park, one he had never been to. A chill ran up his spine, and this time it wasn't because of the beautiful weather. Something felt wrong, and it was as though someone had filled his brain with cotton but shot adrenaline directly into his veins. The sun was setting and it was pretty much dark and cold now. Virgil wrapped his arms around his torso and walked towards the small plastic structure so he could call his Father. He sat down on the freezing plastic slide and pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Hey Kid," a voice from behind one of the faraway trees called out into the darkness as a puff of smoke hovered in the air above him. "H-Hello," Virgil responded wearily as he dialed Logan's number and hovered his finger over the dial button. A tall, slender figure came out from behind the tree and started to walk towards the young teen, the burning end of his cigarette illuminating some of his facial structures. "D-Do you know how to get to (insert wherever the hecc you want them to live)," Virgil questioned as he stood up, more on edge now as an invisible rubber band tightened around his chest. "Nope, I just moved here." Virgil squinted his eyes, trying to catch  a better look at the man. "Oh..W-Well I really n-need to get going home now." Virgil quickly turned the other direction towards a nearby street light in the parking lot, his breath coming in uneven, shallow gasps. "Well, maybe you can help me with something kid." Under the streetlight Virgil could see the man following him, a thick trail of smoke blowing through his lips. "If it's about a puppy or candy, I'm not interested," Virgil snapped quickly as he stopped and waited for the man to get closer so he could see him. The man laughed and held his arms up in mock surrender. "Don't worry kid, my dog's at home and the candy I have isn't for little kids for you."

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