Food Allergy

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AN: thank you @-JustAnEditor- for this idea. it's definitely not going to be m best story(sorry) but i'm gonna try to write this as a way to get back into the swing of writing. so thank you guys, hope y'all are doing good, if not, talk to someone you trust. hecc talk to me if you somehow trust me and i'll try my best to help. have a good whatever time of day it is and enjoy. if you're re-reading this, yes i changed the character because i have a new idea for deceit. sorry


"Kiddo? Are you ready to go," Patton called out as he knocked on Virgil's closed door. "I look stupid." Patton chuckled and slowly turned the knob. "I'm sure you don't look stupid." Virgil groaned and glanced in the mirror for the millionth time and sighed. His white button up shirt was askew and his dark purple bow tie lay flat against his chest. "What makes you think you look stupid kiddo," Patton asked gently as he pressed the door open a little further. Oh you have no clue, Virgil thought as he tucked the front half of his shirt into his black jeans. "I-I uh.." Patton fully opened the door and could barley repress his laughter as he took in the messy sight of his normally put together son. "Oh Vee." Virgil's face flushed bright red as he spun around to look at his Dad. "D-Dad I'm sorry..I don't know," the small child gestured down at his outfit and sighed. "I don't know h-how to put any of this on." Patton smiled sympathetically and closed the door. "You could've asked for help ya know," he stated as he knelt down in front of his son. "A-Are you nervous Dad?" Patton shrugged as he took removed the ribbon from Virgil's neck and pulled the shirt out of his pants. "A little bit. I mean, meeting new people is always scary." Virgil took in a shaky breath and watched his Dad button up his shirt again, carefully taking note so he could do it alone next time. "But your Father trusts them, so I trust them." They sat in silence for a few seconds while Patton tied the bow tie. "And hey, Roman is gonna be right next to you. You don't even have to talk to the new people if it's too much for you. You can just talk to him." As if on cue, the door flew open revealing Roman in a matching outfit except with a rosy-red tie. "I look fabulous!" He posed against the wall and Virgil felt himself calm down. As long as Roman was there, he knew he would be fine.


"Logan," a tall man at the entrance of the restaurant called out with a friendly wave and a large smile. "Ah, Adrian. How good to see you." Virgil glanced up at the kind looking adult and tilted his head slightly. His smile wasn't bad, but it intrigued him and reminded him of the heroes he read about in his bedtime stories. "Who is this lovely lady?" Adrian made a funny, shocked facial expression that made Roman chuckle. "How could I forget? This is my lovely girlfriend, Veronica." The woman next to him smiled and held out her hand to Logan. "So glad to finally meet you Mr. Sanders. Adrian has told me so much about you." Adrian held out his hand to Patton and smiled. "You must be the lucky man who swept Logan off his feet. He talks about you constantly." Patton blushed and shook Adrian's hand as Roman chuckled. "Ah, these must be your charming children." Adrian knelt down so he was eye level with Roman. "Hm, let me guess." Roman stood up taller and flashed a bright smile at the stranger while Virgil tried to shrink smaller and kept his face down. "You must be Roman." Roman nodded and placed his hands on his hips. "Well," he held up his hand for a high five and chuckled. "Put 'er there champ." Roman gladly returned the high five and looked up at Veronica. "You look very pretty." Veronica laughed and held her hand to her heart. "Thank you so much Roman. You have done a really good job with your children Mr. Sanders."

"Please call me Logan, and yes. I agree with you. They are both extraordinary children." Adrian looked over at Virgil and lowered his voice. "And you must be Virgil." The small child nodded his head and tilted it slightly upwards. "I remember you. I was helping your Father with your surgery while I was still in were the last patient I worked on before I graduated." Adrian held out his hand, guessing that Virgil wasn't really the kid to enjoy high fives. "Put 'er there champ." Virgil held out a shaking hand and feebly grasped the adults large hand. "Don't worry kid," he whispered as he let go of his had, "tonight's gonna be great."

"I really like science. Especially astronomy and the universe," Virgil calmly stated as he took a bite of his peanut butter cookie. "Why's that?" Virgil shrugged and swallowed so he wouldn't talk with his mouth full. "It reminds me that I'm not alone. I used to look at the stars when I was afraid and think about how there were people just like me doing the same thing." Damien let out a low whistle and took a bite of his own cookie. "You have a bright child on your hands Logan." Logan proudly smiled at Virgil and clasped Patton's hand under the table. "We also have a performer." Virgil looked over at his brother and smiled. "Yeah..he," Virgil's sentence was interrupted by him coughing slightly and taking a sip of his water. "Excuse me. He's really talented." Roman blushed, his cheeks almost matching his bow tie. "Why don't you give us a sample Roman," Veronica joked, obviously thinking the extravagant child would back down. "Alright. Do you like Disney?" Virgil quietly cleared his throat as he got down from his seat. "Virgil?"

"C-Can I g-g-go to the bathroom?" Patton nodded and smiled as Roman began to sing A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes. "Do you need me to go with ya kiddo?" Virgil shook his head as he sharply turned to leave. He didn't want to interrupt the good time just because he had a small cough. "Logan," Patton whispered as Veronica and Adrian applauded a blushing Roman. "You should consider perusing this talent Roman." Logan nodded in understanding and silently slipped away from the table towards the bathroom. "Virgil?" He entered the bathroom and frowned when he didn't see any shoes in any of the stalls. "Vee? Which one are you in?" A small cough came from the second stall and Logan quickly pressed open the door. Virgil was sitting on top of the toilet seat curled up in small ball and visibly shaking. "Virgil," Logan whispered as he closed the door and knelt in front of him. "What's wrong?" Virgil lifted his head slightly and took in a small, sharp breath. "Virgil..please say something kiddo."

"M-My th-throat," the small child wheezed. "Oh my God." Logan pressed the back of his hand to Virgil's sweaty forehead and frowned. "Is it hard to breath?" Virgil nodded his head and let out a shaky cough. Logan pressed his hands down to Virgil's swollen throat and he pressed them lightly. "Ow! Fa-Father please," the shaking child cried out as he pushed away Logan's hands. "Ok. Can I carry you?" Virgil nodded and coughed heavily as Logan carefully scooped him into his arms. Logan switched all of Virgil's weight to his left hip and pulled out his phone with his right hand. "Hey siri call my love."

"Calling Patton cell." The phone only rang once before Patton picked up. "H_"

"Ask around if anyone has an epipen Virgil can use. He's having an allergic reaction. Also try thinking of everything Virgil ate tonight." Logan hung up the phone and turned to face the kitchen door. "Sir you can't come in here." Logan switched Virgil's weight again and sighed. "Yes. Yes I know. May I have a cold towel and some water please?" The teenage boy nodded and raced to the back of the kitchen and Logan pulled his phone back to his ear. "Are you there Love," Patton questioned as he took an epipen from Adrian's hand and headed back towards the bathroom. "Oh yeah watch Roman please!" Logan saw Patton walking towards them and stuck out his hand. "Over here Patt." Patton gasped at the sight of Virgil. "Is he gonna be ok?!" The teenage boy came back with a towel and a glass of water. "D-Do you need any assistance sir?" Logan shook his head and sat down with Virgil laying across his lap. "Patton, take the towel please and place it on Virgil's forehead. He's going to be fine, I just need the epipen so that he can start breathing again." Patton nodded, brushed some tears away from his cheeks, and took the towel from the waiter. "Thank you." Logan took the epipen from Patton and stroked Virgil's matted hair. "Ok. This is gong to suck, Be brave Vee." Without another word, Logan stuck the shot into Virgil's thigh, trying his best to keep calm through his sons wheezy scream. "You're doing great kiddo," Patton cried as he placed the towel on Virgil's swollen cheeks. "He's gonna be okay Patton. Can you remember what he ate?"

"He started coughing after he ate the peanut butter cookie." Logan nodded and sighed. "No more peanut butter for you," he joked as Virgil's eyelids stated to flutter closed and his breathing became slightly normal. "He's going to be okay right," Patton whispered as more tears came to his eyes. "Yes. He's fine my love. We just need to get him home so he can rest." Patton gently smiled and lifted Virgil off of Logan's lap. "I'm sorry we...have to cut your dinner party...s-so short Father." Logan smiled and kissed Virgil's warm cheek. "You're more important than any dinner party."

AN: heya guys, i know it's not my best and it's kinda rushed but if you still read it thank you so much. i'm working on a new sanders sides book so these one shots might slow down, but it'll be worth it. stay safe guys : )


Adoption Au: Sanders SidesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora