Escape Part 3

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"Okay..Okay thank you..Thank you so much." Logan hung up the phone and sighed deeply as he looked over at his husbands slumped figure. "Corbin and Sloane are looking for him and the police." Patton crumpled the note in his hand and fell back on the couch. "We should've told him earlier."

"No honey..Please don't blame this on yourself."

"We should go out and look for him." Logan sat down and comfortingly rubbed Patton's shoulder. "You are in no condition to go out and look for him." Patton nodded slowly and unfolded the note. "How many times do you think he he's gone out in the middle of the night to meet Remy," Patton joked as he allowed he head to fall onto Logan's shoulder. "Probably several times...They're very close," Logan responded as he stroked Patton's hair. "Do you think they're gonna make it?" Patton smiled and turned to face Logan. "Yes..And even if they don't, they're going to be best friends to the end." Logan nodded and lovingly stroked his thumb across Patton's cheek. "He's going to be okay my love..They'll find him..And if his father tries to come anywhere near him, he doesn't stand a chance against me." Patton laughed sadly and looked down at the note in his hand. "You don't think he will try to come do you?" Logan sighed and grabbed Patton's hand. "I don't know....I really don't know."


Virgil sat outside in the pouring rain, soaked to the bone, shaking not only from fear, but from the cold. He had stopped running and didn't know where he was. He had run from Remy's house and that's all he knew. "Why did he have to come back," he muttered as he curled into a ball and placed his head on his knees. "Why did you come back," he yelled out into the darkness as he began to rock back and forth. "Why! Why! What is wrong with you!!" He looked up at the sky and allowed the freezing water to fall on his face. "You screw everything up Dad," he yelled again. "I hate you!! I hate you so much and if you even try to come near me, you're going to regret it." He allowed a sob to escape his lips and put his head back down again. "I wanna go home," he cried. "I just wanna go home." He heard the sound of a door opening and looked across the street, a warm light pouring out of the small building. "Hey, where are you," a concerned voice called out as a tall man stepped out of the house. "I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to help you," she called out as she looked out into the darkness. Virgil stood up and walked across the street, his feet dragging heavily across the street. "I see you kid..come on inside okay? You're soaking wet." The kind voice called out. Virgil slowly made his way up the steps and removed his hood. "oh my God..Virgil?" Virgil looked up and felt tears well up once more in his eyes. "T-Thomas?" Thomas stepped forward and placed his hands on Virgil's shoulders. "Oh my goodness, come in Virgil," Thomas fussed as he ushered the shivering teen into the house. "Picani! Come downstairs please." Virgil stood in the doorway as Thomas closed the door behind him and started taking Virgil's wet sweater off of him. "What are you doing away from home kid? I'm sure you're parents are so worried." Thomas hung the jacket on a nearby hook and lead Virgil down the hallway to the living room. "I..." Virgil allowed his tears to fall once more and Thomas quickly wrapped him in a tight hug. "Sh..It's okay kiddo..I didn't mean to upset you.." Picani came to the bottom of the stairs, his glasses off, eyes heavy and hair messy. "Dad..It's like 3 am, why do I-" he stopped when he heard the sound of someone crying. He came the rest of the way downstairs silently. "Sh, it's okay Virgil..Everything's going to be fine...Do you want me to call your parents?" Virgil nodded his head and let out another sob. "Yes..Yes please call them..I want to go home," he cried as he pulled himself closer to Thomas's chest. "Okay..I'll call them..Emile, will you please go get Virgil some warm clothes?" Picani's heart broke for his cousin and he ran upstairs as quickly as he could. "Is it okay if you just sit on the couch while I call your parents?" Virgil nodded and allowed himself to be moved towards the couch. "Okay..Stay here and when Emile comes back down you know where the bathroom is." Virgil nodded and sat down on the soft couch with a sigh. Thomas left the room and went upstairs as Emile came down, carrying a pair of sweatpants, fuzzy socks and a sweater. "Here ya go Vee." Virgil nodded his head in appreciation, too exhausted to form words. Picani had his glasses on now, but his hair was still just as messy. "I'll make some tea and turn on a movie while you're getting dressed okay?" Virgil nodded again and took the pile from Emile's arms. "Thank you," he whispered as he walked to the bathroom. Maybe he wasn't the luckiest guy in the world, but he was so glad he ended up at his uncles house.


Patton lightly knocked on the door and wiped a tear from his cheek. His phone buzzed and he pulled it out, knowing it was either Sloane or Corbin.

Corbin: Oh my god I'm so glad he's safe..I'll tell Remy. Once again I'm so so so sorry. We didn't know that he didn't know and that he would react that way

Patton: It's fine Corbin. I don't blame you guys at all. I'm thankful for how much your family has done for Virgil over the years. We'll see y'all tomorrow.

Patton put his phone back into his pocket and sighed as he heard the car lock and footsteps come up the stairs. "Was that-" The door opened and Thomas smiled brightly. "I'm so-"

"Thank you," Patton greeted as he reached over and gave Thomas a tight hug. "Thank you so much." Thomas hugged Patton back and gave Logan a small nod. "It was my pleasure. I'm just glad he's okay." Logan entered the house and closed the door behind him. They could hear the sound of Aladdin coming from the living room and smiled. "I'm sure Emile did what he does best," Patton joked as he finally let go of Thomas. "Yup, he's been sitting with Virgil all night. And Virgil seems to be doing a lot better already." Logan chuckled and walked into the living room. The two boys were asleep on the couch, finished cups of tea on the coffee table in front of them and several blankets wrapped over them. "I almost don't want to wake them up," Patton whispered as he walked over to the couch and just looked at Virgil. Logan and Thomas turned around and started whispering about what had happened. Patton knelt down in front of his son and smiled as he gently stroked his soaked hair out of his face. "Vee," he whispered. Virgil stirred and slowly opened his eyes as the blanket fell off his shoulder. "Dad," he whispered as he rubbed his eyes. "Yeah..Yeah it's me kiddo," Patton replied lovingly as he stroked Virgil's hair again. "Ya ready to go home." Virgil nodded and sat up, making sure to not wake Emile. "You can sleep in the car okay?" Virgil nodded and wrapped his arms around Patton, deeply inhaling his Dad's scent. Cookies and lavender. "I love you Dad..I'm so sorry I ran away..I didn't know what was happening," Virgil cried as Patton wrapped his arms protectively around Virgil's torso. "Sh..It's okay. I love you so much too Vee."

AN: so that's it for the end, Virgil's dad was caught and put back in jail. of course Virgil had a hard time for the next few weeks, but with his family and his boyfriends family. he knew he was safe. hope y'all enjoyed this. once again, if you have any requests just tell me and i'll be more than willing to write them :D


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