Fathers Day

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AN: Thank you @Cutiecookie007 for this absolutely adorable idea!
TW: extreme fluff

"Virgil," Roman whispered as he cracked open the door to Virgil's room. "Yeah?" Roman was surprised Virgil was awake. "What are you doing awake?" Virgil closed his notebook and shrugged. "Doodling, what are you doing?" Roman opened the door the rest of the way and gestured for Virgil to follow him. "Roman?" Virgil followed his brother to the kitchen as Roman handed him a list. "We're making cookies for Dad, we're gonna make them both cards and I need your help thinking of something for Father," Roman unformed Virgil as he turned on the lights in the kitchen. Virgil put the list on the counter and frowned. "Will we be in trouble if they wake up?" Roman shook his head and pulled out the ingredients for the chocolate chip cookies. "I think I know what to get Father." Virgil opened a cabinet and climbed onto the counter to search for the thing he needed. "Do you know where the paint is?" Roman nodded and ran out into the hallway. Virgil grabbed one of their several plain white mugs and carefully placed it on the counter. "Why do you need paint?" Virgil gently hopped off the counter and handed the mug to his brother. "Do you draw?" Roman shook his head and put down the mug. "Ok well, I don't cook. So you make the cookies, I'll get started on this."

"Done," Roman yawned as he placed a warm plate of chocolate chip cookies on the table. Virgil popped his knuckles and put his paint brush on a napkin. "Same. I just finished the seal." Roman looked at Virgil's mug that had worlds best father written on it and a pretty landscape panting of a field of flowers. "Virgil I...I didn't know you could paint." Virgil yawned and placed the mug next to the cookies. "Yeah," Virgil sat down and looked at the presents. "The...the cards need to be done," Roman reminded him as he rubbed his eyes. "Ok. Ok yeah." Virgil stood up and walked to Logan's office to grab paper while Roman got colored pencils from the hall closet. "Ok, I'll do Dad's," Virgil said as he grabbed some light blue pencils from Roman. "I'll make Fathers." Virgil looked up at the electronic clock on the microwave and frowned. "It's 3:45 we only have a couple hours before they get up." Roman nodded and wrote happy Father's Day on the piece of paper. "Yeah. So we should hurry." Virgil wrote happy Father's Day and doodled some purple flowers around the card. He also did Logan's blue flowers and they placed the cards in front of the correct presents. "Good job," Virgil yawned and sat down at the table to admire his work, "Princey." Roman also sat down and took one of the cookies. "You too bro." Roman split the cookie in half and handed part of it to Virgil. They ate in silence and without thinking Virgil placed his head on Romans shoulder. "You're a really good older brother." Roman smiled and placed his head on Virgil's. "You're pretty good yourself Vee." They closed their eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep.

"Logan, he's not in his room," Patton called from the top of the stairs. "Virgil isn't in his room either." Logan waited for Patton at the bottom of the stairs. "Patton I'm sure they're ok," he reassured as soon as Patton was at his side. "I'm sure they're here." Patton nodded and held Logan's hand tightly. "Just breath darling." They entered the kitchen and Patton almost squealed. "Oh..my...god," he whisper yelled as Logan took out his phone and snapped a picture. "That is just too precious." Virgil stirred and tapped Romans shoulder. "Hmm?"
"Don't look now, but I think we're surrounded," He whispered as he lifted his head. "Kiddos, why are you at the table?" Logan walked closer and picked Virgil up. "You scared us half to death." Patton hugged Roman and sighed in relief. "Yes. But thank God you're both okay."
"We're sorry we just needed to make these," Roman said as he gestured to the presents on the table. Logan and Patton both gasped as Roman and Virgil both nodded and counted to three in their heads. At the same time they called out, "Happy Father's Day Dads!"

AN: yee.

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