Escape Part 2

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TW: panic attack, disorientation, intense flashbacks, mentions of abuse, drug dealing and alcohol

"Patton..there's no way he would be able to find him. Besides why would he want to find Virgil in the first place?" Patton looked back up at the dark, lifeless TV screen and wiped a tear from his cheek. "He already tried to kill him once didn't he?" Logan sighed and gently hugged Patton's shoulders. "We can't tell him I can already tell he's stressed about who knows what..he's just a kid he doesn't need this kinda pressure...." Logan sighed again and allowed his head to fall onto Patton's shoulder. "He's just a kid. This isn't a burden he should have to carry."

"I see where you're coming from my love..but what happens if he finds out we've been lying to him? His trust took years to fully gain. A lie as big as this would ruin all the progress we've made." Patton squirmed out of Logan's arms and shoved himself out of their bed. "He's not a child anymore Patt. He's smart and has access to this kind of information." Patton started to pace back and forth and placed his head in his hands, running his fingers through his tangled mop of curls. "H-He..we-we can't Logan I can't."

"Patton, calm down please."
"Calm down?! Our son could die!!" Logan also stood up and held his hands up comfortingly. "Patt..You are jumping to the worst case scenario." Patton looked over at Logan and something in his face showed that he understood what needed to happen. "Can we at least let him sleep tonight?"

"Yes. We need to get plenty of sleep so that we can remain calm while talking to him."

(Meanwhile downstairs)

Virgil slowly grabbed his phone from his nightstand and smiled when he saw a goofy picture of his boyfriend crossing his eyes and scrunching up his nose. "Good-"

"Can you come over right now? I have something to tell you." Virgil frowned and sat up in his bed, a nervous shake starting at his hands. "Is everything okay?" Virgil could hear something that sounded like a car engine starting and got out of his bed. "I don't know yet..Ya know that park by your house?" Virgil grabbed his dirty converse from the foot of his bed and started slipping them onto his cold feet. "Of course."

"Okay I'll be there in like 10 minutes. Will you be there?" Virgil also grabbed his purple and black hoodie off of his desk chair and slipped it onto his arms. "If it's so important to you that you need to see me at 11:30, of course I'll be there." Virgil quickly grabbed an already used post-it note and turned it to use the other side. "I don't think it's important to me...I think it'll be important for you," Remy responded as Virgil grabbed a pen. With that, he hung up, leaving Virgil alone in an eerie silence.

Had to go out to meet Rem, somethings wrong. I have my phone. Be back asap. Love - Vee

With expert and practiced silence, Virgil placed the note on the kitchen table, returned to his room and crawled out the window into the cold, rainy night.


"Virgil," Remy called out as he pulled his car to a sudden stop. His face pale and sweaty, hands shaky and eyes a puffy red. "My God what happened?!" Virgil opened the door of the car and crawled into the passenger seat as quickly as his lanky limbs would allow. "Virgil," Remy croaked as he reached over the center glove-box and wrapped his arms around Virgil's shoulders. "Sh, Remy it's okay."

"No..No it's not..." Virgil hugged Remy back and tried to calm him down despite his own growing anxiety. " just tell me what's wrong and we'll fix it." Remy let go of Virgil and sighed. "Can we go to my house?" Virgil nodded silently and grabbed his seat belt. "Can..Can you drive while I calm down?" Virgil nodded again and opened his door. Remy did the same and they switched places. "Wanna listen to music or something," Virgil asked awkwardly as he buckled and put the car into drive. "Sure." Remy attached his phone to the white aux cord and sighed. The rest of the car ride was silent, filled only by the voice of Brendon Urie and the light drizzle outside.


"Alright, I think I'm better..but Vee.." Virgil opened the door and allowed Remy to enter first. "Virgil," Corbin called out as he stood up from the couch and walked over to the two boys. "Thank God you could make it." Corbin wrapped his arms around Virgil and patted his back. Sloane was laying on the couch, tear tracks down his cheeks and eyes closed in deep sleep. "I'm so sorry I know Sloane is better with this kinda stuff but he got so scared and freaked out so I let him nap. If you'd rather talk to him about what's happening I can wake him up." Virgil looked between all three of them and frowned. "I'm..I'm sorry. But what exactly happened that I'm supposed to be upset by?" Corbin also frowned and looked at Remy. "You didn't tell him?"

"I..I couldn't. I'm sorry." Sloane sat up with a groan and rubbed his tired eyes. "What's happening," his voice was deeper than usual and dry. Nothing like Sloane's usually optimistic, cheery, goofy self. "He doesn't know."

"What do I not know?!" All three of them went silent and Virgil felt his chest tighten. "Maybe..Maybe you should sit." Remy took his boyfriends hand and lead them both to the small love seat next to the couch. "Can you turn it on Dad?" Corbin nodded and walked over towards the paused TV. Virgil hadn't noticed that it had been on this whole time. On a local news channel. "Are you ready Virgil?" Virgil wanted to get up and leave. Wanted to go back to his house and go to sleep. Wanted to stop seeing Sloane bite his cheek so he wouldn't cry. "As ready as I'll ever be I guess." Then the announcer started moving, coming to life again in front of their eyes.

"In former news, a former child abuser, alcoholic and drug dealer Jayden D. Lynch, has escaped after 9 years in prison for attempting to murder his son. His last known whereabouts was the county jail on Tuesday around 2:43 AM." A picture of Jayden's mugshot appeared in the corner of the screen and Virgil's hand flew over his mouth as he repressed a scream. "Officers say that in recent therapy and rehabilitation attempts, Lynch often blamed his son who was 7 at the time of the crime. If you have any information regarding-"

"Turn it off," Virgil heard a muffled voice instruct as he stared at the blurry picture. "Turn it off!" Virgil stood up from the couch and clutched his head in his hands. "Turn it off! Turn it off!" He was shocked when he realized the voice screaming was his own. "It's off...Virgil please, talk to us." Without another word, Virgil ran. Ran past the two strangers who must have been some of his dads customers and ignored them calling out his name. He didn't care if his Dad was going to be mad at him. All he knew was that he needed to leave. He raced out the door into the pouring rain and no longer thought it was his Dad who was after him, but the man with curly hair and circle rimmed glasses that had just adopted him. The rain soaked through his thin jacket as he continued to run down the street and to the only house where he felt safe. He hadn't talked to Remy in months and al he could do was continue to run and pray that they hadn't moved.

AN: i'm sorry i know it's trash, but when has my writing been good? to clarify any future questions: Virgil became so panicked that his brain shot him into an intense series of flashbacks, causing disorientation and leading him too believe Sloane, Corbin and Remy are his fathers clients, and making him think of the day he ran away from Logan and Patton in the first story. at the moment he doesn't know what's real and what's not. if you still have questions feel free to ask and i'll try to explain them. stay safe y'all


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