The Right Idea

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AN: thank you @PotterheadAndFander for this adorable idea

"Good morning Logy," Patton greeted lovingly as Logan walked into the kitchen, groggily trying to tighten his tie. "How did you sleep?"

"How long have I been asleep?" Patton shrugged and walked over to the coffee machine, picking up the pot and pouring some of the coffee into a nearby mug.

"Only a couple of hours. I figured I'd let you sleep in for a bit, you looked like you needed it." Logan nodded and tried to tighten his tie again, only making it more uneven. "Come here babe, I can do it." Logan smiled affectionately and walked into kitchen.

"Thank you honey." Patton reached over and began untying the dark blue tie, not noticing when he bit his lip in concentration. "You don't have to be so cute all the time," Logan teased as he placed a gentle kiss on Patton's forehead.

"Stop," Patton blushed and had to restart the knot. "I'm trying to concentrate." Logan laughed and began running his hand through Patton's soft, knotted curls. Then Logan noticed something else in Patton's face. He had dark bags and his eyes were bloodshot.

"How did you sleep Patt?" Patton shrugged and did a final tug on the tie with a satisfied smile. "Babe." Patton looked up and a small frown replaced the smirk.

"I just..I was thinking."

"Yeah?" Patton sighed and pushed himself up onto the counter top.

"I was thinking about.."

"About what Patt. It's okay for you to talk to me."

"Well, yesterday I was talking to a kid. And, he brought up being in and out of foster homes. And, it just got me thinking." Logan also sat down and started gently rubbing Patton's knee. "and I just realized that there are a lot of kids going through what Micah and I went through. And I heard so many horrible things that this teenager has dealt with and I just..."

"Patton, where are you going with this," Logan asked cautiously. But in his heart, he already knew where Patton was going with this.

"Logan, I want to adopt." Logan sat there silently before he let out a small chuckle. "I-I mean, we've been married for almost six years now. I understand if you don't want to though." Logan nodded and took Patton's hand in his own.

"Patton..I..I think that's an amazing idea," Logan said sincerely. "I think that is one of the most wonderful ideas ever."

"Really," Patton laughed and jumped off the counter, his eyes bright and a large smile on his face. "You're serious?!" Logan laughed loudly and also got off of the counter and laughed loudly.

"Of course I am." Patton laughed again and leaned into Logan.

"I love you so much," he whispered excitedly before placing a loving kiss on Logan's lips. Logan immediately melted into the kiss and placed his hand on Patton's shoulder gently reaching it don onto his shoulder blades and down the the middle of his back. When they pulled away, Logan nodded and smiled, looking into Patton's large blue eyes.

"I love you so much too."

AN: sorry it's so short. i just wanted it to be kinda short and sweet but i might do a second part


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