Mid-Term Stress

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AN: oh my gosh this is the THIRD TIME I've written this because it keeps deleting. Third time's a charm (hopefully). 


"Roman have you seen my-" 

"Probably not." Virgil opened the door to his brother's room and was shocked. Roman normally kept his room somewhat tidy and clean, but now it looked like an absolute mess. There were empty bags of chips, paper plates, half empty water bottles, mugs and loose papers scattered across his nightstand and dressers. Piles of sweaters and sweatpants lay useless on the beanbag chair in the corner along with several blankets and pillows. 

"Princey, don't take this personally, but you're living in squalor. I mean," Virgil bent over and picked up a trash bag that was only a fourth full, "look at all of this." 

"I know but I'm very busy. I'll fix it later." 

"What's wrong?" 

"Mid-terms are already hard enough in person, but now I have to deal with all this online stuff and my teachers are piling more homework than I can keep up with," Roman complained as he began opening and closing random notebooks that were laying around him. 

"I'm sorry Romano." Virgil began to walk around cleaning the piles of trash while Roman typed furiously. "Have you emailed any of your teachers to tell them you're struggling to keep up?" Roman leaned away from his computer and sighed. 

"No Virgil, I haven't but if you don't mind I'm very busy and need to focus right now. So if you can in here to lecture me please save it for another day." Roman turned his head when Virgil let out a disgusted grunt and frowned. The trash bag was now almost full, and the room was already looking a lot better. 

"Oh..I'm..I'm sorry Virgil. You don't have to be cleaning up for me. I can keep my room clean by myself," Roman apologized, embarrassed that he had snapped at his younger brother. Virgil laughed and held up an empty cup-o-noodle container. 

"Yeah, I can tell Romano." Roman sighed and turned back to his computer. 

"I've been stuck on this same problem for half an hour now. I just can't seem to understand it." 

"When was the last time you took a break?" Roman shrugged and began to read through a neon green notebook. "The last time you had a meal that wasn't coffee and chips?" Another defeated shrug. "Roman, I understand that you're stressed, but this isn't healthy." 

"I know, I know." Virgil tied up the bag and placed it by the door as he made his way over to the small mountain of clothes. "I need to get this done though." 

"What is it?" 

"My chemistry study guide that's due at 9, did you finish yours already?" 

"I'm taking physics Roman." 

"Oh, right." Roman looked up from his computer and watched Virgil start folding clothes and throwing them into the hamper. 

"You're gonna come downstairs with me and have dinner and take a short break. I won't give you the answers, but I will try my best to help you after we eat." Roman frowned and pushed himself out of bed. 

"You don't have to. I know you have your own homework." Virgil shrugged and threw the last sock into the hamper. 

"I just have to write a practice essay for AP Spanish. Now come on, grab the mugs and follow me. 

They walked down the stairs together, Virgil holding the hamper and the trash bag while Roman carried a tower of mugs that looked close to tipping over. 

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