Sick Day

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AN: i honestly don't know what this is but i figured it'd be kinda cute..sorry. Patton and Logan are in college

"Good morning honey," Patton greeted as he watched Logan sit up in his peripheral vision. "How did you sleep?" Logan didn't respond. He leaned forward and drew a shaky breath before placing his head in his hands. "Logy?"

"I did not sleep well Patton," he whispered weakly. "In fact I barely slept at all." Patton frowned and got out of his bed, slowly making his way towards Logan.

"I'm sorry. What's wrong?" Logan cleared his throat and took another breath.

"Nothing. I'm fine Patt."

"You're a horrible liar." Logan winced and clenched his hands into tight fists, still not looking at Patton who was now climbing the ladder to his bed.

"Really Patton. I'm o-"

"No," Patton whispered. His voice stern but caring. And it was all he needed to get to Logan. "You're not." Patton gently lifted Logan's head and pressed the back of his hand to Logan's forehead. "Babe, you're burning up."

"Yes." Patton's eyebrows drew together in concern as he brushed stands of sweaty hair out of Logan's eyes. "I-I don't-" Logan winced again and Patton instinctively pulled him into a comforting hug.

"It's okay. It's gonna be okay." Logan's hand searched for Patton's as another wave of nausea shot through his body. Patton grabbed it and interlocked his fingers with Logan's cold clammy ones.

"I think I'm gonna throw up," Logan whimpered as he started to slide towards the ladder. Patton went to the edge and jumped off, his heels burning as he landed on the hard ground. Logan was on the ground too, swaying slightly as the blood rushed to his head. "P-Patt." Patton pushed the door open and turned around again just as Logan's face began to pale and his eyes began to close. Patton raced over and caught Logan under his arm, pulling him back to his feet.

"Come on Logy," Patton encouraged as he took a step forward. Logan took it with him. "Come on babe, you can do it."

"Patton..I.." Logan's legs buckled and it took all the strength Patton had to stop them both from falling. "I can't."

"Okay. Okay let's get you sitting then." Patton slowly squatted down and let Logan lean against a dresser. Logan squeezes his eyes closed and let out a small whimper.

"I'm so sorry."

"Hey, don't be. Listen, I'm gonna go get some water for you. Maybe some crackers and ginger ale. The store's about 10 minutes away so I should be back in 30..Will you be okay that long?" Logan shrugged his shoulders before wincing again.

"Yeah..I'll be okay." Patton kissed the top of Logan's hand, feeling guilty about leaving him like this.

"I'll be back soon babe, I promise. Call me if you need anything, okay?" Patton kissed Logan's forehead again and stood up. "I love you."

"I love you too."


"Logy, I'm," Patton pauses when he heard a small cry from the floor. Logan was curled into a ball, sweating, shaking and choking back sobs. "Hey." Patton dropped the two bags of groceries and rushed over, checking Logan's temperature. "Hey, I need you to sit up so I can help. Okay?" Logan nodded and tried to roll onto his back. But failed.

"I can't," he gasped, his head pounding wildly.

"Let me help."

"I-I can't Patton. It hurts so much." Patton could feel his heart breaking. He just wanted Logan to be okay. He would take his pain if he could.

"Logan." Patton leaned down and placed his hand on Logan's back, helping him roll over and sit up. "Let me help."

"I-I am s-sorry Patt." Patto. gushed fun and leaned him against the dresser again.

"Don't be, okay?" Logan nodded and closed his eyes while Patton got the crackers, ibuprofen, and ginger ale from one of the bags. "You need to eat something before I can give you medicine babe." Logan groaned and opened his eyes. They were glossy with tears and red from lack of sleep.

"What if I can't keep it down?" Logan was barely audible and a sob interrupted his sentence. Patton reaches into the other bag and pulled out a plastic red bowl.

"Don't be embarrassed please...I just figured the bathroom is one floor up and you-"

"Thank you so much..You truly are spectacular Patton."


As predicted, the crackers did take a couple of tries. But Patton was there through it all. Late into the night they sat side by side. Patton reading softly to Logan well past midnight. Logan knee this was the only person he wanted to be with for the rest of his life. Someone caring and supportive. The person he had loved since Junior year. Patton Sanders.

AN: yeaaaaah. hope you enjoyed. sorry it's trash. okay byyyeeee


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