First Night Away

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AN: Sooooo this is the first night Virgil spends away from home, I'm working on the story that describes what happened before this specific story but it's taking a lot of time because I want it to be really good so..yeah...Oh yeah! It's first person POV 


TW: Mentions of being stabbed and panic attacks..yaaaay

"Hey, can you hear me?" My head feels like it's going to explode any second. "What's your name kid?" I open my eyes and my vision blurs as someone places their hand on my shoulder. "S-S-Stop!" Too much is happening. Too loud. Too bright. Drip. Drop. Blood- "kid, breath." Something stabs into my left arm and  I shriek in pain. My movements begin to slow and I can feel my brain start to shut down. "I-I'm gonna d-die." 

"He's stable..He's going to make it." I open my eyes slowly and frown. "He's awake. What's your name?" I close my eyes again and push back tears. "V-Virgil L-L-Lee L-Lynch." God I hate it when I stutter. Wait, "where am I?" I open my eyes again and try to sit up, but an agonizing pain in my lower abdomen stops me. "Hey, lay down Virgil." I push myself into a sitting position and feel my heart-rate speed up. "Come on. Calm're safe." I can't breath. I'm going to die again. Can't think. Drip. Drop. "I-It's my fault," I cry out as I remember my dad. The knife. The blood. Drip. Drop. "Stop!" I can feel my body start to tremble and panic even more. I can't stop. "He's going to hurt himself. Please restrain him." Someone grabs my wrist and I try t scream, but no sound comes out. "No. Restraining him will not help. Let me talk to him." I can hear someone pull up a chair next to me and force my eyes open. A man with dark brown hair and matching brown eyes covered by rectangular glasses sits there. He looks completely calm, and for some strange reason it upsets me. "Hello Virgil. My name is Logan Sanders. I was the main doctor for your surgery." I open my mouth to speak but once again, I can't make a sound. "I need you to breath with me okay?" So I'm in a hospital. Ok. I can deal with that. "S-Surgery?" Logan places his hand on my wrist and I'm too tired to flinch away. "We will be able to discuss that later, alright." How can he think about a later? There is no later for me. "There is no later," I declare as I pull my hand away from him. "Virgil..You're only six. There's so much left for you if you just keep breathing." I dryly laugh and close my eyes. "No there's not." I open my eyes again and look over at Logan. His face finally shows that he's not calm. Tears fill his eyes and he furiously rubs them away. "Kid...Please don't talk like that. We can help you...Please let us." I look at him softy and feel tears come to my own eyes. "My own p-p-parents didn't...didn't want m-me," I mumble. They wanted you dead remember? Drip. Drop. I grab at my soft matted hair and start to pull. "They wanted me dead!" I can hear some of the other nurses or doctors whispering and feel my stress levels rising again. "Kid, please stop. No one is going to hurt you anymore." He doesn't understand. They tried to kill me. They deliberately tried to get rid of me. "Y-You do-don't..they-they tried to-to-to k- to ki-" I can't say it. Logan takes my hands from my hair and strokes it softly. "We know." He continues to stoke my hair and whisper comforting words. "Do you enjoy poetry Virgil?" I shrug my shoulders and lean into Logan's gentle movements. Logan hums thoughtfully and I can feel the vibration in his chest and shoulders. "W-Would you..k-keep humming?" Logan continues to stroke my hair and hum a slow, unrecognizable melody. I don't know why, but the combination of gentle vibrations, humming and soothing physical contact makes me feel safe. I close my eyes slowly, and feel drowsiness hit me like a truck. Without thinking, I rest my head on Logan's shoulder and drift into deep sleep.

When I wake up, I notice Logan is gone and there's a stranger asleep in one of the chairs. "Uh...D-Do you know where Logan is?" The figure sits up and smile kindly. "Hey, kiddo. Logan's just getting some things. How do you feel," he questions as he stretches his back. "W-Who are you?" He stands up and yawns loudly. "Excuse me. Where are my manners?" He grabs his chair and drags it over to the side of my bed. "I'm Patton, Logan's husband." I nod slowly and take a moment to sort out what I thought of the man. He seems kind enough. And if Logan trusts him, I guess I can try to trust him. "H-How long have I been asleep?" Patton chuckles and props his head up on his hands. "About a week." Wait!! "Where-Where a-are my p-parents?!" Patton reaches out to grab my shoulder and I flinch away. The door opens and I sigh in relief. "Hello Virgil. I hope you do not mind that I had Patton stay in here with you." I shake my head quickly and try to calm my panic. Patton never answered my question. "Virgil..your parents..went straight to jail." I can practically feel my heart drop. "O-Okay." I roll over and bury my face in the pillow. " need a hug?" A hug? What's a h- Suddenly a strong pair of arms wrap around my torso. "St-Stop! I'm sorry! I-I'm sorry! Please!" The arms release and I feel like I can breath again. "I'm sorry Virgil. I didn't mean to upset you," Patton apologizes as he reaches out to take my hand. "Here, how about a hand hug?" I give him a questioning look and, reluctantly, my hand. He smiles playfully and wraps his thumb on the other side of my hand. "Hand hug." I giggle and imitate the immature action. "Alright, we need to get some food in your system." Wait, I don't have to wait for their leftovers? "Do you want a sandwich or soup?" I sit up slowly and groan. "Careful," Logan warns, concern lacing his tone. "Um..sandwich please?" Patton nods and leaves the room. "Do you think you'll be able to keep down a sandwich. Based off of your looks you haven't had adequate amounts of food in a long time," Logan questions as he goes over to a computer and starts to click the little buttons with letters on them. "Y-Yeah." A couple minutes later, Patton comes back in holding a tray of food. "Dinner is served kiddo." I hold back a small chuckle and look down at the amazing looking food. Without stopping, I gulf down the delicious peanut butter and sweet jelly. "Wow kiddo, you sure were hungry," Patton jokes as he takes the tray back. The second I'm done, I can feel my stomach churning. "T-Trash.." Logan quickly runs over with a waste basket and allows me to heave into it. "There ya go kiddo," Patton whispers as he rubs circles on my back. "Better out than in." I empty the last bit of food into the can and feel tears fill my eyes. "I'm so-so sorry." Logan backs away but leaves the bin next to me. "Do you need water," he asks kindly. "Y-Yeah..yeah sure-yeah." Patton hands me a water bottle and smiles. "Take slow, small sips okay?" I nod and start to sip the water. "Okay..soup?" Two meals? Drip. Drop. Drip. "Yes please," I yell out to block my thoughts. Patton and Logan exchange concerned glances then turn to face me again. "I..I w-would like that." 

(sorry switch to third person POV for a second)

"Here you go Lo." Patton smiles softly as he looks at his husband flipping through a file. "You should leave the work at work honey," he jokes as he places a small mug of coffee on the table in front of him. "I know. I'm sorry dear, it's just.." He leans on the table and rubs his hands together. Patton knows what that means. "Honey..calm down. It's okay. Remember, you can always talk to me." Logan places his head in his hands and sighs. "I-I know." Patton grabs his chin and makes him look at him. "So what is it," he whispers as he places a short kiss on his husbands cheek. Logan glances at the file and hands it to Patton. "Why do you still have Virgil's file? I thought you were just in charge of the surgery." Logan rubs his hands together again. "I opted to be in charge of his recovery process..and he's such an amazing kid Patt. He doesn't deserve to be put in the system just to be neglected or skipped over." Patton smiles and squeals. "Are you..saying what i think you're saying," he questions as he grabs Logan's hand. "Yes Patt..I want to adopt Virgil." 

(okay back to Virgil's POV)

"You..You wanna...why w-would you w-wa-want me," I stutter out as I look between Logan and Patton. "You..Y-You won't w-want m-m-me." I can see sadness in Patton's eyes as the worlds leave my mouth. "Sorry. But it's true." Patton looks away and I turn my attention to Logan. "But Virgil." I frown, trying to seem hostile. No one wants a hostile kid. Can't they see it!? I'm going to hurt them. I'm a bad kid. "We do want you. I've spent a lot of time with you recently and-" They don't get it. "Y-You don't understand." Patton turns around again and i can tell he's trying not to cry. "Do you not want us to adopt you kiddo?" NO! I want you! I want to be loved so bad! But I don't deserve you! "N-N-No Patton..It's n-not th-that. But I d-don't deserve you." Logan chuckles softly. "Says who kiddo?" Bad luck. Bad kid. Bad person. Drip. Drop. Blood. Screams. "I'm a bad kid!" I feel hot tears spill out of my eyes and wipe them away furiously. "But you're not." I continue to cry but feel someone stroking my hair. "You're not Virgil. You've been so kind and helpful the whole time you've been here." The tears fall faster as I melt into the comforting touch. This can be mine, all I have to do is say yes. "So...can we adopt you Virgil?" I sigh in defeat and remove my hands from over my eyes. "Yes." Patton stands up and comes over. Logan continues to stroke my hair and sighs with relief. Patton holds out his hand and I gladly give him a hand hug. I can be loved now. 

"Okay, we'll be back in a week kiddo?" I can feel the disappointment settle in my chest. "O-Okay." Logan smiles and places his hand on my shoulder. "Hey..we'll come back. I promise." I nod and rub my cheek against his hand. "We'll miss ya kiddo," Patton declares apologetically as he ruffles my hair playfully. I giggle and feel some of the tension in my chest release. "T-Thanks Patt." Logan's hand slowly retracts from my shoulder and I immediately yearn for his reassuring touch again. Patton also steps back and forces a smile. "Well..go get 'em tiger." I turn around knowing I can't hold myself together much longer. "We love you." Then the tears fall. And they won't stop. I run towards the stairs and shove past the woman with the concerned look. "Virgil?!?" I keep running until I'm outside again and fall to the ground. What if they don't come back? "Virgil..please come inside so we can get you settles in before dinner." I miss them already.

AN: Thank you for reading this. I know it's kinda long and I'm sorry but I spent a lot of time on this one lol. Alrighty have a good day I hope y'all are doing ok. If not please find someone you trust and let them help. Don't close yourself off..or do. I can't really tell you what t do. Alrighty, bye!


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