A Friend

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This story was inspired by @LifeAndDeath9. Corbin and Sloane are Remy's fathers.
TW: fighting, panic attack

Virgil ran down the hallway as a beer can flew past his head and hit the wall. "Come back here you little brat!!" Virgil turned the corner and tripped up the first few stairs. "I said come back here!" Virgil regained his footing and ran up the rest of the stairs as his vision began to blur. He ran towards a window at the end of the hall and pried it open with shaking arms and panic flooding his brain. "Virgil! Where the hell do you think you're going?!" He jumped out the window onto the ledge of the roof and cold rain drops fell on his face. He scooted closer to the edge and grabbed the wet rain pipe. You're going to fall and die. You'll never make it in time. Virgil shook his head and tried not to think as he scooted closer to the edge. I'd rather die by falling off a roof than be killed by him. Without another thought, Virgil jumped and gripped the pole tightly, sliding down it and dropping to the ground. When he landed, he heard a loud pop and felt pain in his left foot. "Virgil?! Where did you go?!" Virgil pressed his body to the side of the building as his dad looked out the window. He stayed close to the building and sat down in a muddy planter. When he heard the window close, he bolted. He ran down the street and into a different neighborhood not noticing the sharp pain and his limp. He stopped when he got to a medium sized house that looked the same as every other house on that street. Virgil's vision blurred again as he slowed to a fast walk to the door. He knocked three times and prayed that they were up. He knocked even harder as he wiped his wet bangs out of his face. "Corbin could you get it," someone called from inside the house. "I got it honey." The door opened and Virgil sighed. "Virgil? What are you-oh..oh no. Come on in Virgil." Virgil walled into the house and Sloane had him sit down on the couch. "I'll go get Corbin, he understands your situation better."
"N-no. I'm f-fine..can I just t-t-talk to R-Remy?" Sloane looked conflicted but nodded anyways. "Of course kiddo. I'll go get him really quick okay?" Virgil also nodded and his vision blurred again. Remy ran down the stairs a couple minutes later and rushed to the couch. "Hey Virgil. Are you okay?" Virgil shook his head and felt tears form in his eyes. "Hey..it's okay," Remy whispered as he hugged Virgil. "It's okay. I'm here." Virgil cried into Remy's shoulder and shook his head. "I-I can't d-do this any-anym-more Remy." Remy stroked Virgil's wet hair and frowned. "Do ya need some dry clothes Verge?" Virgil sniffled and nodded. "Okay. We can go to my room." Remy stood up and held out his hand to Virgil. As he put pressure on his foot he hissed in pain. "Are you okay?!" Virgil fell a little on Remy's shoulder and Remy supported him. "No," Virgil whimpered. "M-my foot hurts." Remy nodded and pulled Virgil closer to himself. "We should tell my Dads." Virgil shook his head and let go of Remy. "N-No I'm fine. It probably just f-fell asleep." Virgil took a step forward and collapsed to the ground. "Nope. Nope didn't fall asleep," Remy declared as he carefully pulled Virgil to his feet. "Here," Remy stepped in front of Virgil and squatted down, "hop on my back." Virgil was about to protest but Remy stopped him. "Do it Virgil. I wanna help." Virgil nodded and grabbed onto Remy's shoulders. "Okay three, two, one." Virgil hopped up at the same time that Remy tightly grabbed his legs and pulled him up. "Am I t-too heavy?" Remy bounced up and shook his head. "If anything you're too light. We are eating sooo much junk food tonight," he joked as he started walking upstairs. "This is the third time he's come over this month Corbin. We need to do something."
"We're barley getting by as it is Sloane. And putting him through the system is too harsh. Especially since it doesn't seem like they're hurting him at home. He might just be startled by the fighting," Corbin stopped when he heard a knock on their door. "Yes," Sloane answered with fake positivity. "Can we come in?" Corbin opened the door and frowned. "Why is Virgil on your back?" Virgil flinched back and attempted to hide behind Remy. "He hurt his ankle," Remy explained as he gently placed Virgil's feet on the ground again. "Ok. Help him over to our bed and go get him some dry clothes while I look at it." Remy did as he told and Virgil wanted to cry as he left the room. "Can I look at your foot Virgil," Corbin questioned softly as he kneeled in front of the small child. "Y-Yes."
"Which foot hurts buddy?" Virgil pointed at his left foot and blushed. "I-I'm sorry I come to your house," he whispered. Corbin sighed and looked up at Virgil. "I didn't mean it like that kid. I just meant that I'm concerned. After I look at your foot I wanna talk to you about your house okay?" Virgil nodded and looked down at his feet. "Okay. Here we go." Corbin untied Virgil's wet converse laces and slowly started slipping off the shoe when Virgil cried out in pain. "Ow! That h-hurts!! Please it hurts!" Corbin stopped and looked up at Sloane. "Ok, not a good sign. Baby can you look up if Prompt Care is open?" Sloane nodded and disappeared downstairs. "Okay, I'm gonna try again Virgil," Corbin informed the sobbing child as he loosened the laces as much as possible. "Okay." Remy walked in with the clothes and sat down next to Virgil. "You can squeeze my hand if you need to Verge." Virgil nodded and took Remy's hand. Remy felt his heart soaring until Virgil squeezed tightly and sobbed. "Ok, the shoes off." Virgil stopped squeezing but still held onto Remy's hand. "They're open," Sloane declared as he stepped into the room. "Okay. We're gonna get you in warm clothes and take you to a doctor alright?" Virgil nodded and Corbin quickly took off the wet sock. "Oh my god," Remy whispered as he looked away from Virgil's purple and blue foot. "Okay, Sloane can you help him?" Sloane nodded and picked Virgil and the pile of dry clothes up. "Remy you're gonna stay here with me okay?" Remy nodded and focused on not throwing up. He just wanted his friend to be okay.

"He has bruises and cuts everywhere Corbin," Sloane whispered as he watched Virgil hobble behind a doctor into the back rooms for his exam. "Okay...okay what do we do?" Sloane exhaled and wiped a tear from his cheek. "I don't know. I'm gonna go with him for the exam. I'll see you when I get home."
"Okay. I love you."
"I love you too."

"I'm not his legal guardians, but our family is taking care of him for a little bit." The receptionist looked up from the computer and nodded. "Why?"
"A bad situation." The lady nodded and typed something on the computer. The printer started running and she pulled out a paper with several numbers and information on it. "Here are some resources that should be helpful." Sloane took the paper and smiled. "Thank you so much." Virgil hobbled out of a door on crutches with a bandage wrapped around his ankle. "Ready to go kid?" Virgil's eyes began to droop as he nodded. "You can sleep in the car okay?" Virgil nodded again and smirked feebly. "Thank you Mr.Neely."
"Please, call me Sloane."

"Virgil," Remy questioned as he rolled over to face his friend. "Hmm." Virgil opened his eyes and yawned. "Yeah Rem?" Remy frowned and brushed a strand of hair out of his face. "Do..do you think that you can stay?" Virgil frowned and shook his head. "Last time I left they called the police." Remy nodded and grabbed Virgil's hand. "Can you at least tell me where you live before you leave?" Virgil shook his head again and squeezed Remy's hand affectionately. "Will you at least stay until tomorrow?" Virgil nodded and cuddles closer to Remy. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"For being my friend."

Don't know if this is good but uh..I'm gonna do more of Remy and Virgil in the future because I love them.

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