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AN: uh this whole thing is gonna be an authors note. I've never done a tag before so if I suck at it...I'm sorry...

Tagged by: -JustAnEditor-

Do I have a crush: Nah, I have a boyfriend though and he's really awesome

Middle Name: Renee

Height: oh geez...kill me or cut off the bottom half of my legs...I'm 6'...I'm too tall for life

Eye color: Grayish-blue with gold around the iris

Last time I cried: um...earlier today...yee

Biggest Fear: uh...I fear failure and people leaving me..God I'm clingy, ok moving on(ha see what I did there)

Last song I listened to: Sweater Weather, The neighborhood

Last person I texted: a group chat with my best friend ever Anni and my boyfriend(it's called the GP Clique and we basically just fangirl over TØP and they send me their art and I talk about how un-talented I am) so, them

Tumblr or Wattpad: don't make me choose between my children

Tag 20 people: I don't know 20 people on
this website so uh...if you wanna do this, go ahead and do it and just say I tagged you

Yee! I did it. It was actually fun so thanks -JustAnEditor- for tagging me. Happy New Year's Eve y'all. I'll post later tonight probably. I hope you're all doing ok, if you're not, talk to someone and don't be too hard on yourself. See ya! :)

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