sleepless nights

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AN: Hey guys sorry that my updating is a little wack I'm gonna try to get a more consistent update schedule but for now sporadic mass posting is gonna have to work. :3


Roman yawned and cuddled in closer to Patton as Aristocats ended. "Okay kiddos," Patton yawned as he wrapped his arms around Roman. "Bedtime." Virgil groaned as he pushed himself up off the couch. "But dad. I'm not even tired," Roman muttered. Patton picked up his son and started to carry him to his room. "Yes you are son. I love you but you need to go to bed." Logan leaned over and kissed Romans forehead gently. "Goodnight father." Logan turned around and noticed that Virgil was already gone. Logan rushed to his room and smiled to see him already laying down. "V? Are you still awake?" Virgil forced himself to breath deeply, making it seem like he was asleep. Logan kissed the child's cheek delicately and pulled his blankets over his small body. "Virgil?" Logan shushed Patton and smiled. "Oh got it." Patton stroked Virgil's hair delicately. "Sweet dreams kiddo." The second Virgil's door was closed, he rolled over and stared at the glowing stars on his ceiling. He couldn't go to sleep.

The next morning Virgil rolled over and looked at his alarm clock. It was 9. He smiled a tiny bit as he heard Roman running down the stairs. Virgil sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes. This was the second week he had had trouble sleeping. He yawned widely as he pulled on a black hoodie over his purple shirt. "No way father. Puppies are far better than kittens.""Falsehood." Patton smiled as he spotted Virgil. "And here comes our mediator now. What is better kittens or puppies," Patton asked with an announcer like accent. Virgil's head felt like it was spinning. He couldn't comprehend the question. What did a dog have to do with breakfast? "Uh. Cats?" Virgil hopped that was the correct answer. Logan smiled. "We raised you well son." Vigil faked a smile as he sat down next to Roman. "Okay French toast and smoothies comin' your way." Patton kept the announcer voice as he placed two plates down on the table. Virgil picked up his fork with his shaking hand and started to stab the toast. "Do you want syrup V," Roman questioned as Patton placed down two pinkish yellowish smoothies. Virgil nodded and took the syrup from Roman as he felt his eyelids begin to droop. "Are you alright Virgil? You seem off." Virgil squeezed the bottle of syrup and looked up at Logan. "S-sorry what?""I said are you alright, you seem off." Virgil nodded as he flooded his plate with syrup. "Virgil!" Virgil flinched away and managed to knock over Romans smoothie. "Ugh, Virgil!" Virgil stood up from the table and tripped over Patton's foot, falling backwards before Logan caught him last second. "Virgil?" The young child's vision began to blur. There was the sound of snapping by his ears. "Y-yeah?" Logan sat Virgil down and felt his forehead. "No fever. Do you feel sick at all." Virgil shook his head causing a burning pain to resonate in his mind. "Okay. Well I think you should go get some rest okay?" Virgil nodded as he stood up slowly and stumbled towards his room. "I don't get it. He was asleep last night right?" Logan watched as his son closed his door. "Roman? Would you mind talking to him while we clean up this mess?" Roman looked up from his spilled smoothie. "But father, he spilled my smoothie." Patton chuckled. "I'll make you another one while you go talk to your brother." Roman groaned loudly and stood up. "Knock knock." Virgil opened the door and smiled at his brother. "Oh hey Prince Charming. What's up?" Roman rolled his eyes and walked into the space themed room. "It was one play Virgil. And besides, you were a mouse. Should I call you Mousy all the time.""If you do I'll murder you," Virgil joked as Roman sat on his bed. "So...what was that out there?" Virgil looked down at the ground. "N-nothing I'm just tired. I'll be better later today I promise." Roman smiled. "Great that's all I needed to know. Now if you excuse me I have a smoothie to get to." Roman pranced our of the room leaving Virgil alone. "Well what did he say?""He's fine. Just tired."
"V? Can I come in?" Virgil rolled over and checked the clock. If he had actually slept he would've been asleep for an hour by now. "Come in." He grumbled as he sat up and forced a smile to his face. "Hey dad.""Hey kiddo. Are ya feeling better?""Oh yeah much better now," he lied as a sharp pain hit his skull. "Okay cause we're gonna go to the park okay?" Virgil felt his smile falter. "T-the park?" Patton's smile grew bigger. "Yeah doesn't it sound great?" Virgil fake coughed. "Could I stay home? I don't feel to good." Patton felt Virgil's forehead and sighed. "Still no fever. Kiddo you're only 10. You can't stay home alone." Logan walked in the door and joined Patton on Virgil's bed. "I'll stay with him. You and Roman go have fun okay?" Patton nodded his head and kissed Virgil's cheek. "I love you two." Virgil smiled at Logan. "Well you can leave now I'm just gonna-""Virgil," Logan said strictly as he heard the front door shut. "W-what?" Logan moved closer to his son. "Have you been getting enough rest?" Virgil flinched. "Yeah why?" Logan looked at his sons eyes. "Falsehood. You haven't been getting adequate sleep." Virgil sighed and buried his head into Logan's shoulder. "I know.""This is not ideal for your health son.""Tell me about it." Logan hugged his son tightly. "I love you Virgil. You need to tell me about these kinds of things." Virgil felt tears come to his eyes. "Why am I crying?" Logan laughed. "Yes sir you are tired." Virgil buried deeper into his father shoulder. "I'm not tired...I'm exhausted." Logan picked up Virgil and walked to the kitchen. "Father I'm fine. I just need to rest.""What do you do the nights you can't sleep?" Virgil yawned. "I kinda just stare at my ceiling until I hear Roman come downstairs." Logan laughed again and started to make some tea. "Okay here's the plan. You go lay down on my bed, turn on whatever movie you like and I'll bring up a surprise." Virgil felt his feet gently land on the cold tile and started to walk upstairs. God why can't you just sleep? You always just cause problems. There was the sound of a loud whistle and a mug being placed on the counter. Virgil opened his parents bedroom door and instantly plopped down on their soft bed. "Here you go Virgil. Chamomile tea. A temporary treatment for your sleeping problems." Virgil took the steaming mug as Logan joined him in the bed and tucked both of them under the covers. Just the smell was starting to take over his senses as his he struggled to lift the cup to his face. "What movie did you decide on?" Virgil finished the tea and his eyelids began to flutter closed. " read to me...instead?" Logan smiled as Virgil placed the mug down on Patton's nightstand. "Of course. Any requests?" Virgil curled in closer to Logan as his breathing became shallower. "Whatever you're reading now is okay." Virgil yawned as Logan picked up The Clocks by Agatha Christi . Virgil suddenly opened his eyes and jolted up in the bed. His breathing rapid and uneven as he clung to Logan's arm. "Alright there's our issue. What did you just think about?" Virgil felt his head throbbing and his heart pounding. "You guys do love me right?" Logan stroked Virgil's hair softly and laid him back down. "So this is a side affect of your anxiety then." Virgil curled in closer to Logan. "Are you mad?""No. Virgil, we love you so much. We would never get mad at you for telling us you're having a problem." Virgil smiled softly and yawned. "I think I have a problem father." Logan chuckled. "Okay. Let's try this again shall we?" Virgil closed his eyes again and this time they stayed closed as Logan began to read. "Hardcastle had half held out a hand to guide Miss Pebmarsh, but she walked resolutely past him, verified a chair against the wall with a touch of her fingertips, drew it out a foot and sat down." Virgil quickly fell asleep and stayed asleep for about a day and a half. No nightmares or stressful thoughts. Just sleeping, occasional cuddles and sometimes the soft sound of pages turning and Logan reading.

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