Be Mine

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Summary- its a couple weeks after Steve joined the new team. Hes been eyeing tony ever since his first day. He never knew if Tony felt the same way untill one day, when most of the team went to a party. Steve is dared to ask tony to dance, the person not knowing how he feels.

Warning- flufffff, gay content, ships that may have already been made. (People who i think should be shiped)


Steve was sitting there waiting on Bruce and Clint to show up to the party. He would look at the door everytime it opens hoping it was them. The only other person he knew there was Tony, but hes been watching him from afar for the past thirty min. More like everyday for the past two weeks.

He had caught him staring back a couple times but Tony would turn red and turn the other way. Steve would even feel a slight blush creep up his face. But neither one would act on it. They just kept it at looking at each other and then looking away. Once in a while there was an occasional wink from Tony which would make steve blush harder.

When you think about the Steve Rogers you would never think if him blushing at a wink sent his way. You think about the strong, fast and capable Captain America. Same for Tony Stark, you think and arrogant self centered asshole. Not someone who blushes so easily.

The doors open again and Steve looks up. He sees Clint with no Bruce. Clint looks kinda agitated although it could be his resting murder face, but this actually looks different, it looks like a real murder face. Hes mad at something or a certain someone.

Steve watches him as he grabs a drink and makes his way towards him. Then Tony catches his eye again, hes wearing a black suit with a black bowtie. His face is cleaned up a bit, his signature beard cleaned up better then usual. Something Steve just noticed. He can't help smiling to him self watching the younger man drink his scotch.

"Your staring." Clint says sitting down beside steve on the two seater. Steve blushes, but he looks down trying to hide the fact that his face is the same color as iron mans suit. (Tehe)

"Just observing." Steve comments looking at Clint who still looks pissed off.

"Where Bruce?" He asks taking another sip of the drink he's been nursing for ten minutes.

"He didn't come." Clint says sounding hurt Steve can't help but notice the sadness in his eyes.

"Fight?" Steve asks glancing back at Tony who was mingling with a guy at the bar. Steve tenses up at this but lets it slide as Clint starts talking again. Its not like he can do anything about it, tony doesn't know how he feels.

"Go dance with him." Clint says smiling at Steve and nodding his head towards Tony.

"What-no-why?" Steve says kinda nervous Clint would say such a thing.

"Ok fine, i dare you to go ask him to dance." Clint says knowing the whole team has a thing bout dares.

If you don't do it Your an official pussy.

"But, that would be weird." Steve says looking down and Clint laughs.

"Stevey man tonys totally into you." He says and Steve blushes harder.

"Um...ok." He says standing up and looking back at Tony.

Hes actually gonna do it. In truth hes tired of waiting on Tony to make a move first. He needs to let his feelings be known. Expescialy to the man He has them for.

Just as hes walking over to Tony a slow song comes on. Steve looks back at Clint who sends him a wink. He must have something to do with this. Steve takes a deep breath before approaching.

Exhaling he speaks. "Uh-um hi." He says and mentally scolds himself for being so awkward.

"Hi." Tony says shooting him one of his brightest smiles.

"Would you...Would you like to uh dance." Says Steve rubbing the back if his neck. Tony looks down and Steve starts to back up. Thinking tonys looking down because he made him mad and he doesn't wanna face him.(Makes no sense i know i didn't know how to word that)

"Id love to." Tony says looking back up at Steve his cheeks still a slight pink.

A happy feeling bubbles in Steve. Hes been waiting on this since he met Tony. He can't believe its actually happening. He can't believe he's gonna be close to the younger man. Hes gonna hold his hand, hes gonna rock him and hold him tight.

"Are you not gonna lead me to the dance floor." Tony says knocking steve out of his trance of thinking about what all he could do to the man before him.

"Oh-uh yeah." Says Steve reaching hand out for the younger man to take it.

Hes so awkward!

Tony takes his hand and steve leads them out to the dance floor. He glances at Clint and he has a big smile on his face. He definitely had something to do with this.

Steve grabs tonys waist and pulls him closer once they get there. Hes testing the waters but Tony allows him to pull him closer. Tony then puts his free hand on Steve's shoulder and Steve smiles at the small touch.

"Ive been waiting." Tony says looking up at the taller man.

"I didn't know who should make the first move." He says honestly and Tony chuckles as Steve blushes.

"Well..." Tony says dragging out his l's "seems ive been waiting on you and you've been waiting on me, im glad you came over." Says Tony with a smile.

"I just can't believe I'm dancing with you." Steve says quietly semi hoping the shorter man didn't hear it.

"You should have told me." Says Tony laying his head on Steve's chest.

"I didnt know you wanted me to." Steve says rocking tony to the music.

He knew Tony had something for him, but he didn't know he felt the exact same. Steve really likes tony, and now he's holding him in his arms almost confessing his feelings to him.

"Of course i did Steve." Tony says pulling back and looking up at the younger man. "We all know i couldn't tell you." He continues a slight blush forming on his cheeks.

"Tony no one would judge you, expescialy not me. I really like you and i have since i met you." Steve says more confident now.

He's ready, hes ready to tell Tony exactly how he's feeling. Hes done waiting, he needs him now. He wants him. Its time, hes kept it bottled up for two weeks. He can't keep doing it. He just wants his lips on tonys. He wants to feel the softness of them he wants to feel the scruff on tonys face rub against his own. Hes ready.

"I like you to Steve, but don't you think the team wouldn't approve. I mean if you think about your there new super soldier. Your a buff good looking guy and you can have any girl you want-" tony starts venting but Steve cuts him off.

"Shhh i want you. Now shut up and be mine." Steve says placing a small kiss in tonys lips before breaking into a smile. The scruff tickles his chin just like he thought it would. His lips are soft and plump just as he hoped.

"Sure thing captain." Is the last thing said before the song ends and Steve leads Tony to the two seater where he pulls him into his lap and smirks at Clint.

Kudos to the fan art!

I know this is different then my other stories but i loveee the avengers and i love stony! There so cute together, but then you think about it as Robert and chris and its

Be Mine (stony one shots)Where stories live. Discover now