No place to die//14

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So yeah. You could probably guess that this is going to be the normal angst. It's just called loving you guys.

Infinity War Spoilers-Oh my god if you haven't seen it what kind of fan are you? Its been so long since it's come out, and here I am, still sad about it.

When people around you start turning to dust you know something's up. Alright? You know when you have the gut feeling and you just know you're next? Yeah, Peter was feeling that. He feeling his spider senses going haywire and he tried with all his heart to stop his limbs turning to dust but then recollecting back into his body. It hurt man! It hurt so much!

Peter tried. He tried to stay strong. He tried to stay alive. For Ned. For May. For Mr. Stark! But...he wasnt strong enough. He couldn't hold it off much longer.

"I'm sorry." Peter knew Mr. Stark was going to blame himself. He himself told him. 'If you get hurt? I feel like that's on me.'

Peter didn't want him to feel sorry. It wasn't his fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. Dr. Strange himself, as he turned to dust told Mr. Stark it was the only way. Peter could only think that everything was going according to the future that they won. Peter sure hopes so.

As he dusted away he felt every nerve in his body disappear. He slowly lost feeling and thought. He lost all the pain he'd gotten from trying to stop the inevitable. It was a blissful death. The blissful death of Peter Parker, the boy who died too soon.


Peter didn't expect to wake up. He really thought that death was nothing. You floated around in every color but no color, you had a body, but no body. He thought death was ethreal. Or maybe he'd see a light at the end of the tunnel and he'd be born again as a baby to a new family. He'd forgte everything from his past life and live on in another body. But here he was. In this orange place.

Where was he?

He felt a touch on his shoulder he jerked back to see....Uncle Ben. Peter gasped and jumped up to give the old man a big hug, but when Peter stood up, Uncle Ben was gone. Peter looked around and saw doors with special engravings. Peter took a shaky breath feeling anxiety tug on his stomach.

Peter gulped, knowing he had nobody to guide him to the right choice. He was alone.

Peter took a deep breath and ventured near the nearest door. He gently took the door knob and twisted it lightly. He cracked the door open to see...Tony's lab? Peter opened the doot more and saw himself and Mr. Stark working on a robot. Peter stared at the duo knowing this was a memory.

He closed the door and his mind started to race. Could he enter these doors and therfore into the memories? Was this a way of time travel? Was this a way that he could save the world by changing one thing? Peter looked at his hands and made a choice.

Peter walked to the next door and opened it.

It was dark and street lights were on. Peter felt a shudder knowing what might come next.

"Hey! Stop!" Gun shot. Bang!

"Uncle Ben?" Peter heard his past self whimper. Peter felt tears come donw his cheeks.

"Peter-" Peter closed the door so he wouldn't have to hear it again. With great power comes great responsibility. He knew that. He knew that. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

Peter took a shuddering breath before walking to the next door.

"If you're nothing without the suit, then maybe you shouldn't have it."

Peter slammed the door. Whatever this place was, it was messing with his brain.


"Oh man."

"It was the only way."

"I am Groot."

"This is no place to die." That one struck him. He hated watching the superheroes' deaths. Somehow, Peter felt like this was all his fault. He's the reason they're dead.

Peter stumbled to another door and slowly opened it.

Titan was barren but then Peter saw all the heroes on Titan that had dusted were retuning. He warily reached out and tried to pass through the door. To his surprise he could.

Tears sprang up in his eyes but he refused to cry. At least for now.

Peter jumped through the door and he felt his body come back together and every inch hurt. Must've been a backlash of trying to stop the inevitable.

Peter collapsed on the ground resting his eyes for a moment breathing in air. He felt a pair of hands shake him. Peter opened his eyes, which he didn't realize tears were rolling down his cheeks, and saw Dr. Strange peering down on him.

Peter opened his mouth but no words came out. Stephen hushed him and picked him up in a hug.

Peter nestled his head into Strange's cloak, which wrapped itself around Peter. Anyone who tried to come near the duo, such as Drax or Peter Quill, were slapped away by the cloak in a protective manner.

Peter nor Strange were complaining.

Strange looked up and saw a space ship descend into the atmosphere. The ship landed and out came the blue space lady who was Gamora's sister.

"Come. I will bring us back to Earth we're the other hero's are." The lady said.

"Everyone! Board the ship!" Strange called out in a slightly raspy voice.

Everyone nodded, knowing this was their way back to people.

Peter Quill looked down sadly.

"I-I didn't see Gamora. Well I did...but not her her. Just memories of her..." Peter heard Quill say to Drax. Drax nodded.

Peter felt bad for Quill instantly. Peter didn't want to feel sad when he thought Quill was going through something harder and tougher than what Peter went through. It made it seem as though he didn't even deserve to complain or cry about it. Like his pain could never amount to what Quill went through. (Honestly I feel this way a lot and I know it's not true but that doesn't change it for me I guess.)

Peter curled up as tight as he could into Strange's tunic and cloak.

"Next stop? Earth." The blue lady looked back at all the passengers, as she said it.

Peter felt his shoulders relax  and his eye lids get heavier and heavier.

He slept soundly with the thoughts of seeing Mr. Stark again.

A/N: It ended just fine. ;)

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