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After sitting there with me for some time she stood and looked at me and spoke, "You don't have to worry about anything everything will be taken care of."

With that statement she left with nothing to listen from my end and I was almost calmed from within and had nothing to question it seemed like all my questions were clearly answered. I had to get back to the Olivia's room and I was not liking it but still I had no idea but to do so.

Once I got in, I saw Amber there already sitting there and was waiting for me, "I was looking for you everywhere" she said, making me feel that why didn't I run too, it would solve a lot of problems.

"You have to do this" Amber was telling this for the 100th time, yes not practically but it seemed like so to me. If we do not like listening to something and it is being repeated even once we feel like that has been told to us infinity times and we lose our peace there. I don't understand how this even makes since. I don't know if I'm making any sense anyhow today none of these people are making any sense to me.

I can understand her concern too but I wanted to be free and independent that is why I left I always knew I had to pay them.back for what they did. But I always thought I could do that by either saving them from spending on me or returning some good monetary sum so I can re-pay them. But this this idea of marrying a man I have hardly known makes no sense my life was never about marriage and love it was always about making myself strong and independent so my parents are proud of me. I never wanted this I have sorted my life in a very disciplined manner never knew all this was important. I just want to keep myself in a place where I see and be with me. Even when ai marry him I don't think I can ever love as I don't even know what it means I just cannot go around saying I love you without having any kind of emotions.

I thought God was not silly and clumsy like me... saying that I looked up giving him a question mark expression. Just to ask him are you equally out of the box thinker like me? I don't know what I'm I even talking.

"You are her sister you can just fix all of this; all you have to do is marry him" Amber stated.

I'm not her sister...... oh God.!!!!. for telling out loud I'm not her sister I don't want to be her sister if I must do something this big with my life. I so very wanted to tell this out loud, but I don't understand what was up with me I could not talk what I felt. I'm just 19 what can I even do to even stop all this. Should I just run away like Olivia setting myself free.

All I need her is to understand that I'm not ready for this and my life has more than marriage and love I feel so empty from inside right now and so helpless and I feel I cannot tell or say this to anyone I stood there like a piller with no emotions and not tears in eye but just numb like I'm not able to do anything I wanted to run as far as I can run and as fast as I can but I could not move nor think of

"I know all this is done very quick but it's all going to sort out I'm sure Michael will convince his mother out of this decision and she will leave with him, there won't be any problem." I tried explaining to her. That is all I could do as of now.

"So, you are telling you won't help us in this critical situation." She asked.

"I'm here I'm always here for you guy but this marriage will never solve any problem, in fact it will just bring too much of confusions and sorrow to all of us here." I said.

Arhhhg!!! Can this all stop soon. I will never marry that guy. Do I have an option or can I ever ignore al this like always I have always run from my problems as I don't feel I'm ever ready to do this or to face a wrong bad situation and I act soon to end this all and get away from all these problems and issues and I have managed to do so as well until now until today until this very situation the situation that is going to can be my life forever.

"Fine then, we will call it off, so that the Smith's destroy us in every way, what about all those favors we have done? To you, all this comfort of family, all the education, what about all this. You were unable to walk when we took you as ours did, we have so many questions to you" she said, and I could not react to any of that.

I felt a chill run straight down to my spine and I immediately sat of the nearest chair I tried to look all sober and heard what Amber spoke. She was right.

"Amber have you lost it" Taylor yelled.

"Yes, that's what I have been doing all these days I don't understand what's with all of you, can't she marry someone who I choose. She must marry someday why not now. I think we have done enough for her all these days now it's her turn. After your parents died Taylor took you as his own daughter, you parents had never left anything behind but you alone. We had all the rights to ask a favor back, plus we are asking her to marry such a good person. Money, fame, royalty he has it all what else will anyone want" she explained herself.

She was right, obviously they were my only family after my parent's death. They are asking for a fair favor. What would go wrong, it's just a marriage.

"I'll do it" I stated.

His Unknown Wife (Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now