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Not sure if this person has some serious problem with his head or he was born with the ability of being confused and making other confused.

Why be so close? What was the necessity ? No, it was not.. I yelled my inner self to stop conversation about him.

Once that odd situation was done, I was advised to stay in the same room and wait until I was asked to come out. I did what I do best, I made all the metal notes to self. As what I'm going to do and what I need not do, what I should focus on and what I should ignore.

However, this ignoring is the best thing I do. I love ignoring everything or should I say I ignore everyone; I know that is rude but who cares.

Anyhoo after like a long wait for 10 minutes, I heard a knock on the door and I went to open it there I saw a girl waiting for me with some files in her hand, " please follow me" she said in a very sweet tone and I walked behind her and we reached a room which seemed like a conference room to me I could see few people already seated and once I entered the lady left.

I spotted an empty chair and was walking towards it, "Sarah" I heard someone yell my name when I followed the voice, I could see the same uni guy who was waving at me like a three-year-old.

I'm not judging I too do that a lot but to only those who I know not everyone. So while I was looking at him I was confused as to what to do because I had to deal with this person for the whole internship period so making friends with him won't be any harm, keeping that in mind I walked towards him and while I did that I soon saw a person stand Infront of me at a distance when I lifted my head I saw Michael he looked at me like he was trying to ask me something and starred at me and I looked back in confusion he then spoke, "your seat is over there" he stated while pointing at the seat in the front row.

He walked ahead of me and I followed like a lost child the whole time I was looking down and all I did was admired my shoe, how well I have been maintaining them and this outfit was so comfy and cool that I could do all my ninja techniques in this very outfit and soon I saw myself at seat I was supposed to be sitting on.

I comfortably sat on the seat and put my bag on the laps and breathed in giving my shoulder a little push up and looked ahead to look into Michael's eyes looking down to me and I don't know why I gave him a wide smile and I got a black face starring at me like I was threatening him for something.

This person can never ever have a smiling face always he has this straight face and that's really odd and I looked at him again and he was still looking at me I looked away to quickly make an unfortunate eye contact with another person I did not wanted to look at. The same uni guy and he was again smiling so I smiled back and soon the lady who got me here started to speak, she told about the company and all sorts of information also I learned that not all the candidates were going to work from this location and that we were all divided and spread out to different location as well.

She finally concluded all the information and came to the last session of the meeting, "It was a good session and now I'll request you to listen to the locations you are all assigned to and once you have heard your name and location you can leave the session if you wish to for today"

Listening to that I was eagerly waiting for my name to be called and once it was called out I stood up to again have a eye contact with Michael I quickly looked at the lady and she informed that I was assigned to the same location and once I heard that I hanged by bag back to my shoulders and walked towards the exit.

Once I was out is when I realized that I was the only person to step out of the room after hearing the name and location I was walking while admiring the interiors, suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder I jumped in horror and turned around to look at no one and a face suddenly appaired from beside me and I jumped while releasing a little voice that was not a shout but was too mild for a loud shout.

When I looked properly, I saw it was the same uni guy I let out a long breath and said "Hi" that sounded more like a question.

"So, we are in the same location then" he said.

"Ok" I said and walked ahead.

"Hey" he called out and came next to me, and now we were both walking side by side.

"Are you avoiding me?" he asked.

"Why will I" I answered.

"I have been willing to talk to you since I got here also back in university but you are avoiding me so many times" he said, only when he said this is when I got to know that this guy has actually tried to talk to me for quite some time now.

"Hello" he said while waving his hand Infront of me.

I looked at him and forced a smile.

"What is that so interesting that keeps you drifted in your own world for so long time and you don't even get to see anything or anyone" he commented.

I have heard this like so many times in my life that it has become top statement through which people start a conversation with me.

"Nothing much" I said while forcing another smile and that gave me pain in my jaws.

"Well I'm introducing myself again, I'm Lime Foster and we share common subjects" he said while hanging his hand Infront of me.

"Nice to meet you Lime" I said and was about I have a handshake with him.

When suddenly I heard, "Sorry I was caught up with something, let's go".

I heard a similar voice at a distance and that person came and stood right next to us and when I looked, I was shocked to see Michael.

What did he just say? I asked myself.

"I see you have made new friends to keep you company, but we must leave" he said, and I just followed him after I nodded my head in agreement.

And that hand that was to be used for handshake was used to wave at that person.

I was walking behind Michael like a lost teenager.


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