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I had kept him out of all this so that others would not get to know the relationship we shared. I would never want to use his name or reputation for anything. I don't want him or anyone to know me as his wife, I never was, and I never will. I have a lot of things to do in life on my own will and my own terms.

With those things in mind I sat there wanting him to speak but he said nothing but just sat there holding my hands. "So, all the discussions are done" I asked him to get the conversation started.

"Yes" we are done he stated.

"But there is something that I can do and no one should have any problem with that" He said and got up from the place but before he left my hands he landed warn kiss on them and got up to make a call.

"I need all the information you have on Lime Foster" He said and hung up.

"I won't take any actions on how he behaved with you on personal grounds, but I have my people who would definitely take out some flaw in him that can give me a way to keep him out of this internship at least. I hope you should not mind that." He asked me.

"It is your company you can do anything you want with all your interns and employees I have nothing to tell you on this, also if he could do with me anything as such he could not hesitate to do anything with any other women out there, we need to make sure he stays away from any opposite gender." I said and he smiled at me.

"I'm glad you at least want that person to be punished" he stated.

We were there for as long as he completed his work, he spoke to some people again asking them about Lime he was curious to know where that guy was from and what was his current status, he wanted to know everything.

While I sat there and got bored, I looked at some files lying on his table and simply started to read them, while I read those files, I understood it belonged to a very interesting project. The project was to build in a whole new school that had all the orphan and even other students who could study there for free given they write an exam and pass that. The exam was conducted by Evans enterprise it was a partnership with Grantham's, two of the most highly overrated business tycoons I really don't know how these people are working on something like this it seemed a little tricky for me.

"You are working with them?" I asked showing the project file.

"No, I'm not the file is just here." He replied.

"How can such a file be just lying here it has all the confidential information in it" I complained.

"It really does, but you see Vlad and Bruce are my friends, they won't mind" He stated.

"So?" I asked again and continued after a pause, "How can people just be so irresponsible even though you are friends that doesn't mean this be lying here, things like these belongs to the legal department, plus you are not even working on this project." I said.

"Yes, I'm not but they wanted some of my help and requested me to join them, henceforth the file." He mentioned.

"Why haven't you started working on it then, it looks like promising project, after all it includes all knowledge and kids with potential, this project would invite many investors all over the world. But these people need to work more on the management terms into it. I see they are lacking in managing the funds and the whole charity is not planned well." I said showing him the flaws.

"That's because they are still in the initial stage of it" he replied.

"The initial stage is the most important one." I stated.

"Well then why don't you tell them yourself" he said.

"I will ring Vlad and Bruce they can be here tomorrow with their project leads." He said and I thought why not this can be interesting.

"Done, I'm free tomorrow" I approved.

"Ok mam" he said and started laughing.

Why is this man laughing, I looked at him and he laughed harder, he is gone mad, no he has lost all his senses, no he is just gone crazy? They are both same aren't they and that's when I realized that I gave him an approval of me being free and that is why he is laughing. So, what if I'm just a student I too can be busy with my student life. This people just do not understand anything.

I will meet those project leads tomorrow and can get to learn so much. I was fine now; the whole Lime situation did put me in stress but I'm fine now. I will never talk to that Lime human again ever. His behavior came as a surprise to me and I'm sure to Michael too as he responded in that way and I could not help myself but see that he really was concerned and I'm glad he is as now I know I'm safe around him and all the other women working him too are safe. It is so good to see that people still care and get sad and mad over such behavior. Michael does not like me nor he has any feelings for me he just does all that so that I can stay away from him but he also knows that I would need some comfort and he gives me that actually he does not give me It is me who has made myself feel comfortable around him.

Yes, I do not want to forget the stares he give me sometimes he thinks I do not notice that or may be he does I'm not sure his glares are also sometime too funny it makes me laugh and he just gives me a scary 'I'm angry' kinda face but I laugh it out anyway I do not understand why he does what he does but sometimes it is funny and sometimes it is weird like very weird sometimes he does not stop staring even though I laugh or ignore him or even shift place he keeps staring like like I don't know those stares give me a little something in my lower stomach and I cannot keep that feeling away. I have also looked at him while he stares at me and do nothing but I fail to keep such long stares and break him too soon. He does not scare me nor he gives me any happiness I just be at peace around him and I guess that will do for me as long as I'm here.



His Unknown Wife (Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now