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"I did everything that I could, and I made sure I make her scared thought you know I really have feelings for her."

"I told you long back to get things sorted but you took so long to get it all sorted in time. I have wasted most of my time for this which was not even in the plan of action." She yelled.

I do not understand all this I made myself look like a jerk in front of the girl I like and I have also put my career on stake and now I get to listen to all this and I do not even know where I have got myself into.

I still remember when I first met this woman, I was partying late at the pup and she walked up to me and I thought it was just going to be a one-night stand but unfortunately it was not.

After we had our moment, she asked me if I was interested in making good money and I readily accepted it as I wanted more money for my unethical personal stuff, and she had an offer I could not refuse.

I still remember I enquired with her why was she doing all this though she worked for Michael, she replied she was never working for him and had some other plans and this time she was to do a big damage but he had started to put in more concentration in work after Sarah got into Michael's life, she was still trying to know what relationship they shared but in vain, one think that she was sure about was that Michael had drowned himself more into work because of Sarah that made her work difficult and her boss was not very happy about it from her tone that day I understood that she was not dealing with any normal people and that made me a little concerned but I wanted it both money and Sarah at the same time I really needed her more than anything may be the fact that Michael was getting close to her made me loose it and I agreed for this and now I really feel I should have not done any of this as it was not something that was required at this moment Sarah and Michael were inseparable and as much as I wanted to tell this to June I choose to keep my silence as there was nothing I could do to get myself out of this situation and I really wanted to focus on playing safe so that I get out clean I cannot risk my career anymore and I do not think June is working for any normal people she defiantly isn't.

I left the place and for good I had done my work now it was all up to her and as much as I know I do not think Michael would lose his trust on Sarah even for a sec.


After that some happy me time after I got yelled from Sarah I really need to dig into some serious stuff to find out the culprit thought I can take Lime captive and get him talking I really don't want to because I do not wanted to alert anyone, if these people had only targeted me I would have kept all this to a limit but since it is taken on Sarah as well I cannot stay calm and have to get this people and keep that low as well.

While I had this running in my head, I saw that Sarah had not left her room till now she yelled at me and locked herself in the room. I asked Liza to check on her thrice for which she replied that she is not dumb to kill herself yet and she wanted some alone time she did address that to Liza but she made sure she was loud enough to deliver her message to me. I sent dinner to her room and to my surprise she had it without any arguments, that made me happy.

It was late in night when I finished all my research and I must say the planning was good I liked the way people put things together in place. But nevertheless, all this had to come out and for good let me give these people some space to put out their whole drama and then I will execute my actions.

I wrapped it all and went to check on Sarah and she had still locked her room and I did not want to disturb her and so I went to get some sleep.

It was 3 in the night I was slightly sleepy when I heard my room door open I have not been locking my room since Sarah was here as I wanted to make sure that she reached out to me anytime in night she wanted to.

I heard her footsteps and they stopped at a distance I knew it was Sarah, but I wanted her to speak.

She walked close to my bed and spoke slowly, "wake up"

I really like the way she was waking me up and I took the advantage of it obviously.

"Listen I know you are up and don't show as if you are in deep sleep and I'm very much sure that you are liking all this mid-night drama so wake up I have something to show you" she said.

Why would I not love all her stupid innocent statements I was mentally smiling more like blushing in my mind.

"Hmmm... you yelled at me "I reminded her.

"Like you care, you were in fact enjoying it I could see it on your face now wake up" she yelled again.

"You don't have to wake the whole house kitty" I said while I got up from my bed.

"My room in 5min" she said and left.

I had butterflies in my stomach and trust me I did I was happy like a teenage girl who was been complimented by her 15-year-old boyfriend.

I ran to her room immediately.


His Unknown Wife (Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now