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I was here simply to pay back for the favors that were ever done to me nothing more all this means nothing to be but just a token of appreciation for aunt Amber for what they did for me as much as un fair it is sounds it was true. I was here to do what I was told to return all that was ever meant to, may be this is how I had to pay back for being an unfortunate orphen after all.

I have all my life dedicated to be better and make sure I'm enough and be the best version of myself. I had also planned a way to pay back for all the favour I got from this family I had everything calculated and was working on achieving it but when Amber asked me this is the only way I can pay them back I had nothing to argue. I think I should have worked harder to be better and soon so that I could have escaped from all this. I never wanted to be this helpless ever. I have worked at making my base strong and make myself so self sufficient that I never have to be under anyone's judgement and decision making.

My humor seems to have flet me at the every time when I needed it. I could not think of any funny situation to fit in at this time. I just wanted a way to run away from this place right here right now.

How can I be asked to repay for the favors for the first time ever I feel sad for being an orphan I never have even once thought that I'm unlucky for not having them as I always thought that God took them away because he wanted to take care of me all by himself. Is this how he has planned to take care of me going against my own will I have to marry this person. Who was in Love with my sister how worse can life get?

With all this running in my head I did not even realize that I had tears running down my cheeks and I was just standing there still like I had no soul in me. Like I had lost all of myself. In a place where I stand the only thing, I ask for is never should ever anyone be in a position to pay back this huge. I tried my best to control my tears as usual but it was getting impossible. I felt like all my strength was getting out of me. As much as i tried to pull back my tears and show that I'm not effected by any of this it made things worse.

Later while I was in my own thoughts is when I heard the priest announce, " I pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride now."

The moment he said that I had my tears gushing down my cheeks. It was the first time very first time that I had cried so hard like all this, I have never felt this much pain before or maybe I have felt this many times before and just that I have never given it all that much importance. Why should I always be this way will I never get the happiness that I see in other people. I have never envied it never asked for any happiness all I have been doing is working on improving myself and making my life better than what it is now. I don't know what went wrong or where I failed that I'm paying off this way

While all this ran in my head, I could see that some person was lifting my veil I had no idea why anyone would do that wasn't all this enough that I had to face the world this way. When I felt all my veil went up is when I saw Michael he looked at me like he was trying to read something to understand something.... To understand me. One thing that I never wanted anyone to do it was like he had lifted my most precious and most hidden part of my conscious that was wrapped in that veil. Why was he doing this? The more I thought of it the more it made me cry.

Before I could realize anything, he grabbed me by my waist and kissed me.

Everything that was running in my head was frozen. I could think of nothing and I would not lie the fact that deep down a part of me felt calm. It felt like something was comforting me like someone for the very first time in my life was telling me that they are there for me no matter what no matter what situation was they were with me. He kissed so that he could hold me closer and every time i felt like my feet could not take it and i could fall right there his arm would tighten the grip on my waist pulling my closer and pressing his wide chest in me. This feeling was the warmest I had ever felt it made me realise that finally after 19 years of my life finally I had someone by my side.

This was no ordinary kiss.

Does he....

I was cut off from my own thoughts when I was pushed away. He suddenly left my waist and pushed me away from his body like I was not required at all. He looked at me in rage. He pulled me from that place and started walking and walked fast ignoring everyone's glare and he did not even listen to anyone not even his mother. He was so comforting and suddenly changed to this beast like he was just acting there. The sense of comfort was gone the moment he pulled me out of that place.

All this is getting so strange for me now his grip on my wrist is not as hard as it should be his grip seems something that is comforting like he wants to be aggressive and at the same time does not want to hurt me physically. He made sure he walked straight and avoid anything on our way.

Oh God why is all this being experienced by me... 

His Unknown Wife (Edited Version)Where stories live. Discover now