Date Night

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Brian was gone when I woke up in the morning and it kind of bummed me out. I don't know why but it did. Alina was downstairs with my children and after I showered, I went down. She saw me and her mood changed. She said goodbye to all three of my daughter's and left quickly, barely acknowledging me. I didn't really care. I just wanted to see my children.

I watched movies with them, put them down for a nap and was there when they woke up. I did their hair, did the laundry and also cooked them some soup for lunch. I enjoyed their company and I'm pretty sure they enjoyed mine, too.


"Family is important to you. But that is what this team's family. We fight together, we work together. You were a good fit. I just broke up with Cheryl because of the fact that for the past year, I've been all about you and not her but no more. You proved to me today that you will never change. You will always be the rude and unbelievable girl we first met. You hurt me and this is me letting you go for good. Got that. This is me getting over it and you entirely."


I felt my head spinning as I remembered Brian snapping at me. We were in an unfamiliar setting but he did have a beer in his hands. I remember the explicit pain behind his eyes, the cracks in his voice were vivid. His pain made me feel a sharp stabbing pain in my rib. I felt bad. How much shit have I put Brian through? How many wrongs have I done to him? And how is he able to still stand by me? Who the fuck am I? And why am I like this?

Brian came home around five in the afternoon. He had a shopping bag in his hands. I had just taken Brooke out the tub and was dressing her in a pajama set to match her sister's.

"Hey." Brian held out the bag to me. I took it. "We're going on a date."

"I don't have time. I have to put the girls to sleep and then do some meditation and also..."

"Katherine, shut up." Brian held up a hand to me. "Alina is coming over with Letty. They'll watch the girls."

I placed a hand on my hip. There was a pause.

"Do you want to maybe...go get ready?" He asked, impatient.

"I guess." I brushed past him. "Lotion her, please."

Brian nodded at me and walked over to our kid who was half ready for bed. I took a long shower and washed my hair and styled it. I put makeup on which mostly included concealer because I still had faint bruises on my face and red lipstick considering the red dress Brian bought me. I was ready within two hours and when I stepped out the room, Brian was in a black tuxedo.

"You look beautiful." He told me. "I showered downstairs because you took way too long."

I smiled softly.

"Alina and Letty are downstairs with the girls so we are free to leave."

I nodded and we walked downstairs. We just made it to the door when Alina ran from the kitchen. She paused and looked at me.

"You look beautiful." She told me. "Have fun."

I nodded at her slowly and stared at her for a moment. I remembered laying on a couch, pregnant belly and arguing with Brian and she shut us both up. No hesitation. I bit my lip and looked away.

"You good?" Brian asked me.

"Perfectly fine." I pushed my hair back. "Let's go."

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