Chapter 45

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*Finally he gets his freaking date right? Like how many chapters ago was that? Also yeah this chapters in his POV. Needed a change*

I couldn't believe my ears. Someone acctually thought I was better than my brother. Velie really did give many people hope and courage. The fact that even she didn't like my brother was a lot. She was a person who rarely dislikes anyone. She's always looking for the good in people. Seems to me she couldn't find any in my brother. "Velie" I let out in a whisper. My face felt a little heated up. For the first time I felt genuinely happy. "I'm happy to hear that" I said. Velie smiled and leaned on the table a little. "I'm glad you're happy. I really do dislike how everyone looks down on you. Its not like your weaker than your brother. It may seem that way to others but your really stronger" Velie said. The way she spoke really did boost my spirits and confidence. "Come on Velie. We all know he's stronger" I said looking away. I rubbed the back of my head. "Your brother is not strong. His magic might seem strong but its not. Strength doesn't come from magic. It comes from the wielder" she said gripping her fist. "Just like Asta. Asta has no magic yet he's still powerful. It comes from what's inside you. Not what's outside. The reason everyone thinks your weak is because at times your a coward. On the inside you coward away from this world. But when you stand up and fight. You gain the courage to become stronger" she explained. "Velie. Please teach me how to be stronger than" I said. She looked around. "Oh our foods coming out. We'll discuss this later okay?" She asked. "O-Of course" I stuttered out.

She really was a beautiful and kind women. It was no wonder why everyone loved and praised her. I bet the most evil people in this world would fall to her because of how she was a light. A light that got rid of all the dark in the world. She ate properly. I expected that much from her. She was a princess. One that could rule this kingdom flawlessly. One that could take over any kingdom she pleased. She was real power. The real meaning of strength.

I couldn't help but stare at her. I wonder what it would be like if this was a real date. A date that really meant a lot to her. She did this because she made a deal with me that she would. I wish it wasn't like that though. We eventually finished our food and she stood up. "Let's move on" she said. I felt my heart beting faster as she took my hand and dragged me away from my seat. She payed and walked me around. I didn't mind letting her hold my hand to drag me around. Its just something she does. I know it is. When she was training with Asta a long time ago. They would always hold hands. But its because Velie was in pain. Because she found comfort from the feeling of a hand in hers. Asta had to explain to everyone. Velies unique. She's special to everyone who meets her. If there are people who dislike her. They prob'ly have no idea what kind of enemy she will be. Even if Velie was light. Everyone knew there was that hidden dark side. I couldn't get my thoughts off of her. Every thought was filled with her.

She let go of my hand as she saw that wand again. She really Was attracted to it. I looked at it. It looked like it belonged to her. The gold and Silver. The way it gave off a powerful vibe. It wasn't like Velie needed that wand though. Just then the shop owner came over and grabbed it from the window. After that my younger brother walked out of the shop with it. "Well look who it is" he said with that look. The look that made me feel worthless again. Langris laughed at Velie. "You look more ridiculous than before" He mentioned. Velie looked down. I could tell she was getting mad. "Please Velie don't hurt him. He didn't mean it I swear" I said. I didn't want to defend my brother. But I had no idea what Velie was going to do. "I dont need you to protect me. What are you gonna do. Your both weak Anyway" he said. He was really getting on my nerves. Insulting Velie hurt me. Because Velie was my friend. One of the best. She was a women who had a lot to teach me. I got out of her way. "She's not weak. I might be but Velie isn't weak. Besides she never looks ridiculous either" I said standing up for her. She pat my head and smiled. "Finral. Thanks but stand up for yourself" she said. "God seeing you two together makes me want to throw up more than just seeing either of your faces" Langris said. Velie kept that calm and kind smile. She turned to face Langris. "Listen. I respect you as my superior and vice captain. But you have no right to disrespect others!" she said. Langris only laughed. "Your so pathetic. Cant believe the captain acctually thinks theres anything cute about you" he said. Velies cheeks got a little pink. "Hes aloud to think what he wants. As for you. Why can't you just be nice? One day your going to find someone stronger than you" she said. She really had no idea that she was talking about herself. But Velie didn't look down on people even if she was all powerful with her magic. Even after the things my brother said. She still showed her respect. "Worthless. Bet you cant save anyone" he said. Velie couldn't hold back anymore. Her anger to strong. Her eyes turned silver and her hair gold. Her and Langris starting to fight. The battle was dangerous and Velie was fighting without her grimore.

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