01. the beginning

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❛ the beginning.


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     HER FEET CARRIED HER THROUGH THE DARK STREETS of a city long asleep. She used to love the night, the brightness of the stars, the quiet streets. But tonight every sound startled her and her heavy beating heart refused to calm down. The stars were covered by a blanket of clouds, even they would not keep her any company this dark evening. Quinn took one look at her watch and then started running. She couldn't afford to be late. He didn't have much patience and with the news she was about to deliver she couldn't have him be mad with her before she had even opened her mouth.

A cold breeze tickled her skin, sending a chill down her spine as she pulled her jacket closer around her. She didn't stop running until she reached the parking lot. It was completely empty this time at night and because of the high walls surrounding it no one would see her. Which was usually a good thing, Now, however, it only made her more nervous.

She came to a halt, catching her breath, before standing straight and walking through the gates.

Only a few lights were burning, not enough to light the whole parking lot. With her heart beating nervously in her chest she walked around, wondering if they were looking at her right now and laughing because she was such an easy prey. Minutes passed by and she slowly released a long breath. She'd gotten here first, that was at least one positive note on this cold night. She was about to walk to one of the wooden benches that stood against the far end wall when a voice came from behind her.

'Quinn! My favorite girl.' His voice was raspy, as if he'd been screaming at the top of his lungs only minutes before. Knowing about his evening activities, that was probably the case.

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