62. trouble on the road

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62. trouble on the road

 trouble on the road

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     THE ROAD FLASHED PASSED THE WINDOWS as the music from the radio sounded through the bus. Milo was seated alone on one of the benches, staring out the window as his thoughts swirled around without end. Worry for his sister was eating him alive, tearing a hole in his heart.

Deep down inside a voice was screaming for him to turn back and go find her. But one look around the bus showed him why that was impossible. He promised these people his help, and he never broke a promise. He simply couldn't. He had to trust Rick and the others to find them. He had to trust Daryl to keep her safe like he had done before. Even though she was perfectly able to protect herself, having someone watch your back was a necessity these days. And it had surprised him that person turned out to be Daryl Dixon. Quinn probably hadn't even noticed how his gaze always went to her, checking if she was alright.

Milo wondered what had happened between the two of them to cause the sudden need they felt to protect each other.

'It's getting a little messy for you,' Rosita's voice sounded through the bus, pulling him out of his thoughts.

He turned his gaze away from the window, watching as she ran her hands through Abraham's red hair.

'Getting ready for retirement,' the soldier replied, never failing to keep his eyes on the road. 'Relaxin' the grooming standards. Thinkin' about becomin' a plumber, a sheepherder, or something.'

'You ain't herdin' sheep now, Abraham,' Rosita told him. 'Eyes on the prize.'

'Damn right,' he replied, unable to keep himself from staring at his pretty girlfriend through the rearview mirror, a smile forming on his face. 'That's my girl.' He took a deep breath before adding. 'Maybe I'll let you shave me down all over, dolphin-smooth.'

Rosita chuckled, hitting him on the shoulder. 'I'll cut it for you tonight,' she said, ignoring his earlier comment.

'Yes, ma'am,' Abraham replied.

'Hey, maybe Rosita can give you a trim while she's at it,' Tara spoke up, turning to look at Eugene. 'Party's getting a little long in the back.' When the scientist didn't reply, she teasingly added: 'Or is it your source of power?' Earning a small chuckle from Milo.

'I ain't slayin' a lion anytime soon,' Eugene replied. 'I wouldn't be pacing any wagers on seein' me dispatch a thousand Philistines with the jawbone of an ass.'

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