41. broken fences

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41. broken fences

 broken fences

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     FOOTSTEPS APPROACHED JUST AS HE PULLED the crowbar out of another walker its head. He had lost count of how many corpses he'd killed at the fence. They were piling up and it wouldn't take long before the fence would start to give.

Putting down the crowbar he turned to see Maggie walking his way, a determined frown drawn on her features.

'You talked to him?' Milo questioned as he watched her pushing her own crowbar through some walker skulls.

She nodded. 'He says it's hard in there, but they'll be fine.'

He frowned, raising his own tool to put some more walkers down. 'You believe that?'

She didn't answer, which was enough for him. Hershel hadn't left cell block A ever since he went in, constantly taking care of the sick people in there. Milo couldn't say he wasn't worried but he also knew worrying was useless. He had to keep things going so that when the others would return, everything would be ready. He stared at Maggie who was aggressively putting down walkers.

'I know it's hard,' he sighed, frowning at her. 'But we'll make it through this. We always do.'

'It's not your family who is sick,' she snapped at him as blood splattered on her arm.

'No, my family is out in dangerous territory getting medicine for my friends who can die any given moment,' Milo said, shrugging.

Maggie lowered her crowbar, regret flashing through her eyes. 'I'm sorry,' she mumbled, 'I'm just on edge.'

Milo nodded at her. 'I get it.'

The sudden sound of an engine broke through the snarls and moans of the walkers. He and Maggie shared a quick glare before running towards the gate. Milo reached out for the rope, pulling it down so the rusty red doors would open. The bright green car Rick and Carol had left in a few hours ago drove inside but a frown appeared on his face upon only seeing Rick seated inside. Quickly he closed the gates while Maggie closed the fence. Then they both ran up to Rick.

'Carl? Judith? Are they okay?' Rick questioned before Milo could open his mouth.

'Yeah,' Maggie answered. 'Where's Carol?'

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