76. the distance

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76. the distance

 the distance

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     'EYES OPEN, EVERYBODY, WEAPONS UP,' Glenn ordered.

Milo didn't need to be told but it was nice knowing he wasn't the only one on high alert. They were walking down the road into the direction Aaron had told them the cars were parked. With every step they took his heartbeat became faster, desperate to know the truth.

'You see someone coming at us, you fire,' Glenn added.

'Copy that,' Abraham replied.

But Michonne wasn't so easily sold. 'So if we see someone we just shoot them?' She asked.

'It's a good question,' Maggie joined in.

'What if there's someone like us?' Michonne added. 'What if Aaron's telling the truth? What if there's someone who has nothing to do with this?'

Glenn sighed. 'We're six people walking with guns. No one's coming up to say hello.'

'But that is exactly what happened,' Michonne went on and Milo felt himself smiling because of her logical reasoning. If Rick didn't have an answer, then Glenn was most certainly screwed.

'If it's someone like us,' Glenn still tried to defend himself, 'we should be afraid of them. He said he was watching us, right? It means he saw us yesterday and after everything we've done why would he want us to join his group?'

'People like us saved a priest,' Milo said, unable to hide his smile any longer. 'Saved a girl who came rolling up to the prison with the Governor. Saved a prisoner by giving him another chance when he probably didn't deserve one.'

'Saved a crazy lady with a sword and her sick friend,' Michonne added. 'He saw that.'

'I don't know what he saw,' Glenn replied before taking up the pace.

Milo raised his eyebrows at Michonne, who simply shrugged. They both knew words weren't enough to convince anyone, if that was the cast, Aaron his story and pictures would've been enough. No, to convince their friends they had to make sure he was telling the truth.

The road made a turn to the right and the group came abruptly to a halt. A huge tree was laying right in the middle of the road and one look at the thing was enough to know it hadn't been done by humans. The trunk was blackened by the impact of the lightening and the smell of burned wood was itching his nose.

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