82. don't wait

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82. don't wait

 don't wait

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     'TAKE YOUR PICK,' CAROL SPOKE AS SHE PULLED FOUR different guns out of her bag. She looked at Daryl, her eyebrows raised when he made no movement to take the gun from her.

'Look,' he started with a small shake of his head. 'I've been thinkin'. Do we really need these?'

Carol shared a small glare with Rick but Quinn kept her gaze focused on Daryl, wondering why he was suddenly changing his mind. It couldn't just be because of Aaron's offer. They were supposed to leave in an hour, Aaron was still making things ready and so with the two of them gone, only Rick and Carol were left to truly defend their family. She couldn't grasp why Daryl thought it was a bad idea to have those guns as a back up all of a sudden.

He noticed her staring at him and like he could read her mind he added: 'I mean, things go bad, yeah, sure we do what we gotta do, but it's like ya said we don't need these for that.' He gestured towards the guns with the hand he wasn't holding his crossbow with.

'Right now we don't,' Carol countered, not seeming able to understand his train of thought either.

His gaze went to his best friend. 'Ya wanted me to try, righ'? I'm good.' He sounded sure of himself, confident that he was making the right choice. And while Quinn couldn't fully understand it, she did respect his choice and apparently so did Carol because she nodded and turned away from him, handing Rick a gun instead. He took the weapon and put it behind it belt, hidden beneath his jacket. With one last look at Daryl he turned around and headed back into the direction of the community.

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