67. greatmm

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67. greatmm


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      SILENCE WAS RINGING THROUGH HIS EARS, the ground crumbling beneath his feet as he tried to keep his balance. He couldn't. He squatted down, his head in his hands as he tried to make sense of it all.

The world couldn't be saved.

They were doomed to live like this forever. There was no end to the suffering, the corpses and the pain. It had all been a lie. He believed in a better future, a better tomorrow, only to have it all taken away again.

'Y-you are a scientist,' Rosita was the first one to speak up, 'I've seen the things that you can do.'

'I just know things,' Eugene mumbled.

'You just..."know things"?' Glenn repeated, his voice breaking.

'I know I'm smarter than most people, I know I'm a very good liar, and I know I needed to get to D.C.'

'Why?' Maggie questioned sadly.

'Because I do believe that locale holds the strongest possibility for survival, and I wanted to survive,' he admitted. 'If I could cheat some people into taking me there, well, I just reasoned that I'd be doin' them a solid, too, considering the perilous state of the city of Houston, the state of everything.'

Abraham slowly sat down on the ground. The look on his face like one of a man whose world just shattered. He'd been living for this one goal, it was what kept him going and now it was gone. Milo could only imagine the void he felt.

'People died trying to get you here,' Rosita said, her voice angry but sad at the same time.

'I'm aware of that,' Eugene spoke. 'Stephanie, Warren, Pam, Rex, Roger, Josiah, Dirk and Josephine. And Bob.'

At the mention of his friend Milo felt anger burn through his state of shock for the first time since the truth came out. It burned all his compassion for the man away, all his confusion about having this suddenly taken away and even the guilt of leaving his sister behind. The flame burned inside of him and he could barely stand the sight of the man before him.

'You see, I lost my nerve as we grew closer...for I'm a coward...,' Eugene went on explaining but Milo no longer wanted to hear it. 'And the reality of getting to our destination and disclosing the truth of the matter became some truly frightening shit. I took it upon myself to slow our roll. Find time to finesse things so then when we got there...But at this moment, I fully realise there are no longer any agreeable options. I was screwed either way...'

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