73. dried out

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73. dried out

 dried out

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     SHE WAS ACHING ALL OVER, her body hurting with every step she took. Her throat was dry, her stomach empty and her never ending thirst didn't make it any better.

They were walking down the road. Yesterday the car broke down and left them with no other choice than to walk the remaining 60 miles to Washington. Though, at this pace, it would take a long, long while to get there.

With the sun beating down on them and no food in their stomachs, the journey had turned into an agonising long walk. It had started out okay, with Beth singing some tunes to keep the mood up and Maggie sometimes joining her but both girls had fallen silent because after a while you had to save all the energy you had to keep putting one feet in front of the other.

Quinn threw a glare over her shoulder, unable to help herself, her eyes searching for Daryl. He was walking right behind her, like always. He'd barely spoken a word to her since their little cuddle and swimming session now more than a week ago. Somewhere, deep down, she felt satisfied in the knowledge that she made him just as uncomfortable as he made her.

'You know,' Beth spoke up from next to her, making Quinn turn her head to look forwards again to look at the teenager. 'I'm glad to be out of that hospital but I do miss one thing.'

Quinn raised her eyebrows at her, watching Beth as a teasing smile appeared on her features.

'A toilet,' she said, smiling brightly.

Maggie let out a small chuckle and even Quinn felt the corners of her mouth turning up into a smile.

'I miss showers,' Maggie sighed wistfully.

The mere thought of having running water to wash off all the filth and sweat from her body made her sigh longingly. Her little dive in the river felt like ages ago and with the horrible heat from the passed few days it was more than likely that all the rivers were well on their way of being completely dried out. Thinking like that, however, were exactly the things that got her mood down and made her want to stop. And so she decided to join their wishful thinking. If they were going down this road she could name a thousand things she missed but what came up in her mind first...

'I miss tampons,' she said, a small smirk appearing on her face. Because it was true. It was a pain having to put dried leaves in your panties to at least try to keep them a little bit clean. Not that she had to worry about that lately. With their limited food source and no water available her periods had been screwed up.

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