45. search party

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45. search party

 search party

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     HIS EYES WERE FOCUSED ON THE FOREST surrounding them. The scraping sound of Maggie's knife against the rock they were sitting on was hurting his ears but he didn't say a word about it.

He felt scared like he had never felt scared before in his life. And not just because this was the first time he saw the world in her new state. Being inside the prison while it all went down and staying there after it happened had almost turned out to be some sort of blessing. He had yet to see the ghost towns, the piles of bodies or whatever was left of the world. But that wasn't what scared him.

What scared him was that for the first time in his life, Quinn wasn't the only person he was worried about. His sister was on his mind every second of the day. Every time he turned around he half expected her to be there, but she never was. It wasn't just her he thought about though. Was Rick still alive? Where were Carl, Judith and all the other kids? Had Michonne been able to get away? Where were Daryl, Beth, Glenn, Tyreese, Carol?

Never before in his life had he been worried about so many people and it scared him to death. He couldn't bear to lose anyone. The imagine of the Governor chopping Hershel's head off was still fresh in his mind. It kept on replaying itself, like a never ending cruel joke. The pained screams of the Greene sisters were still fresh in his mind too but everything after that was a blur.

He could vaguely recall the tank rolling in, him, Sasha and Bob running for cover behind a car, his eyes worriedly searching for his sister but never able to find her. Their home, so carefully built, had crumbled within seconds.

'Got the water to our backs,' Sasha spoke up, breaking him out of his thoughts and making him turn around to look at her. 'Decent vantage points from the bank. I'm thinking we camp here for the night.'

'That's good,' Maggie replied before standing up. 'You three should be safe here.'

'What do you mean the three of us?' Milo spoke up, crossing his arms over his chest.

'The bus got out,' Maggie said, 'Glenn got out. I'm gonna find him.'

'Maggie,' Sasha sighed. 'With any luck, the bus is gone.'

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