71. what lies ahead

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71. what lies ahead

 what lies ahead

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     THE SOUND OF THE SHOVEL DRIVING INTO THE DIRT was hurting his ears. He wished nothing more than for it to stop but there was nothing he could do to make the moment any easier. He was hopelessly trapped in a state of numbness as he watched the dirt being thrown back into the grave.

'We look not at what can be seen, but we look at what cannot be seen. For what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal. For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God. A house not made with hands, eternal, in the heavens.'

Never before had he found comfort in religion but he was slowly beginning to understand why other people did. The words Gabriel was reading from the small book in his hands comforted Milo in a way that probably no speech from any of the group members could have. The idea of your spirit living in another place, a better place, not built and tainted by human hands but good in every sense of the word, was a comforting thought to him.

He liked the idea of living in a house in heaven. He always imagined it as nothing but green fields and hills, waterfalls, forests and mountains. A paradise. Something he could never reach. But a house was reachable, an idea he could understand. The word made heaven feel like a home and that was something the man in that grave genuinely deserved.

It hurt looking at the grave.

It hurt looking at another body gone cold.

Tyreese deserved better than this.

The man had been nothing but kind the first time Milo met him in the prison. Even when Rick chased him and his group away from the illusions he was having, even then he remained calm. And that was the way Milo wanted to remember him. Calm, peaceful, open-minded. Not the bad moods he'd have or the anger that had fueled him after Karen died because that wasn't him.

Milo's eyes drifted over to Sasha.

She was standing just a few feet away from him, her entire body shaking while her eyes darted around, as if she was dreaming and trying to wake herself up. The anger that had driven Tyreese was driving her too. After Bob died she hadn't been the same and Milo worried what losing her brother would add to the smoldering fire inside of her.

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