83. trapped

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83. trapped


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     AFTER ALL THIS TIME SHE THOUGHT SHE WOULD'VE gotten used to walking beneath the trees, but even now Quinn longed to see the open sky above her head. She clung to every part of the blue she could spot between the leaves of the trees. However, what bothered her most wasn't the fact that she couldn't get used to the endless sea of trees surrounding her, it was the fact that Daryl seemed to notice her discomfort. At times it seemed like reading her emotions came as easy to the man as breathing. And though she knew it was useless, she tried to pretend it was all fine, like the many hours they had spend walking through the forest weren't slowly starting to weigh down on her.

'Somebody came through here a while ago,' Daryl spoke, his voice pulling her out of her thoughts. She narrowed at the ground, trying to make sense of the tracks he had found. It was becoming a little bit easier every time but it would never become a talent of hers.

'If we see them, we hang back, set up the mike, watch, and listen,' Aaron said.

'For how long?' She questioned.

He turned to look at her. 'Until we know, we have to know.'

'You've sent people away?' Daryl asked while crossing a small stream.

'Yeah,' Aaron replied curtly.

'What happened?' Quinn asked.

'It was early on,' he explained, 'it was three people. Two men a woman. Davidson was their leader. Smart as hell, strong. I thought they'd work out. They didn't. I brought them in and I had to see them out. So me, Aiden and Nicholas, we drove them out far. Gave them a day's worth of food and water and left them.'

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