39. fifty miles

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fifty miles

 fifty miles

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     THE GREEN FOREST FLASHED PASSED THE WINDOWS of the car in a blur as she leaned her head against the glass. She was almost being pressed against the door as they barely fitted with Bob, Tyreese and herself in the backseat but they needed every hand they could get for this job, so she wasn't going to complain.

Her thoughts kept drifting back to her brother and his reaction when she told him something she'd known all her life. He had laughed, told her she was funny before wishing her goodluck and walking away but she hadn't been joking. She honestly believed he was a voice of reason to listen to when things got hard. People listened to him even if he didn't think so.

With everything happening back at the prison she was happy for an opportunity to get out and go on a run. She could never do what her brother did. She wasn't one to stick around and help out when things got hard, which was why she'd surprised herself so much when they'd fought the Governor all those weeks ago. For once in her life she stood up and helped out and she still couldn't figure out why. Whatever the reason had been, it was over now. She'd much rather go on a run outside the fences than stay inside the dusty old prison.

'Hey,' Daryl's voice cut through her thoughts. She turned look forwards, realising he was talking to Michonne, who was sitting next to him in the passengers seat. 'I know you weren't runnin' off.'

When the brown woman didn't respond he continued. 'The thing is, that trail went cold. You know that right? If it was any different, I'd be right out there with ya.'

Upon saying those words his eyes went up to the back mirror, looking straight at Quinn. She gave him a small nod, letting him know she was with him. He hadn't just been talking to Michonne but to her as well. Merle's death was something, although in different ways, they were both scarred by. And no matter what they did or said the man left his traces in both of their lives, leaving a connection between them. No matter how small, it was there and they both knew it. They both knew it when they searched for the Governor for weeks. And if they both knew that if they would ever find him again, they would take revenge, for Merle. But that didn't mean they had to throw away their lives for a wild chase to take revenge.

They drove on in silence, until Daryl shifted to try and turn on the radio. 'Would you hand me one of 'em CD's right there?' He asked Michonne.

She reached down to grab them when suddenly a voice broke through the static on the radio. Quinn felt her heart leaping in her chest as Bob voiced what they'd all been thinking. 'Was that a voice?'

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